AK Bullpup Current Progress.

Progress So far.
The power drill has been very useful. It allows me to sand some parts and drill some holes. I was able to drill some holes for the wires to go through.
I also had to modify my V3 gearbox and remove its trigger mechanism. Hopefully there will no no loss of stability.

A picture taken on the iron board. No inner barrel and very bare.

I had to test it out. I was worred the Magazine would get in the way and it didn’t. It was almost perfect. Also, I could possibly hold the gun with one hand in a two point suspension.
I haven’t cut the wires yet, I’m not sure how much I will need.
With the Dragonov Flash-hider, this has a full barrel length of 550mm. It feels like a carbine, but stings like a battle rifle. I can also balance it with one hand and a shoulder.
I will be going to the factory next week. I hope I will find the parts I need. I hope to have this gun ready by the gunban. Or at least be allowed to bring its harmless pieces to the Gun locker in the game site I hope to play. I hope I don’t bother the workers. Thankfully our Plant Manager is a Gun Enthusiast, he has his own Pimped out M4 (real STEEL!). Hope I get some geek cred from the engineers, on doing this on my own. I hope to gain some respect in the ability to act on my own plans and getting my hands dirty.
Things still to be done.
  1. I have to make a small compartment for the trigger mechnism and a safety switch built into it.
  2. I have to carve a butt out of wood and
  3. Then find a suitable laminate cover to give it that plastic like feel and to make its texture match with the rest of the gun.
  4. Then Realign the sights to the railing, since I don’t have a rear sight (it came off in a game, in a camp colorado- good luck finding that).

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