[Strategikon] War Band of Adventurers

Strategos (Military Rank 8; Status 4)

The General of the Army. Strategos mentioned are Belisarius, and Narses.

Hypo Strategos (Military Rank 7; Status 3)

Second in Command to the strategos, He is the first among the Merarchs and responsible for the center Meros called Promachos.

Merarch (Military Rank 6; Status 3)

Responsible for a Merarch, which consists of 6,000 to 7,000 men. This can vary greatly from 2-3 Moiras. In an Army there are 3 Meros, the left, right and center. A meros is also known as a Durongoi or Division.

Moirarch (Military Rank 5; Status 3)

Responsible for a Moira, which consists of 2,000 to 3,000 men. This can vary greatly from 5 to 10 Tagmas. A Moirarch is also called a Chilliarch, Duke or Dux. An example of a Moirarch or Dux is Eses of the Isaurians.

Tribune (Military Rank 4; Status 3)

Responsible for a Tagma which consists of 300 to 400 men. This can vary greatly from a large 6-8 Pentekons to 3-4 Hekatons. Also known as: Taxiarch, Count, Commitatus or Commes. Tagma is also known as a Banda, Cohort, and Company.

Illarch (Military Rank 3; Status 2)

Second in command of a Tagma, and is first among the Hekatonarchs.

Hekatonarch (Military Rank 3; Status 1)

Responsible for a Hekaton (100 men). He commands 10 Dekarchs and Dekarchies. He is also known as a Centurion.

Pentekontarch (Military Rank 2; Status 1)

Responsible for a Pentekon (50 men). He commands 5 Dekarchs and Dekarchies.

Non-Commissioned Officers:

Dekarch (Military rank 1; Status 0)

Responsible for 9 other men. He commands a Dekarchy which is also known as a Squad or Conteberium. There are 5-10 Dekarchs and Dekarchies in one Tagma.

Pentarch (Military rank 1; Status 0)

Responsible for 4 other men and the vanguard.

There is 1 Pentarch per squad.

Tetrarch (Military rank 1; Status 0)

Responsible for 3 other men and the Rear Guard.

There is 1 Tetrch per squad.

Cape Bearer (Military rank 1; Status 0)

Responsible for welfare of the Tribune, and Tagma Quartermaster.

Flag Bearer (Military rank 1; Status 0)

Responsible for the banner and a place of great honor.

There are 2 Heralds per Tagma, one is the Tribune’s banner and the second one is the Illarch’s.

Herald (Miltiary rank 1; Status 0)

Responsible managing the morale of the men and communication with the Tribune.

There are 2 Heralds per Tagma.

Adventuring party. The Tagma is one of the best level of military organization for adventuring. Even the name sounds appropriate for adventurers: Band , Cohort, or Companys. There are a diverse amount of roles to be filled in a Tagma as mentioned above:

  • The Commander

  • Second in Command (illarch)

  • Captains (Hekatons)

    • Intelligence Chief (Rec)

    • Vanguard (Heavy)

    • Rear guard

    • Skirmishers

  • Quartermaster (Cape Bearer)

  • Chief Combat Engineer

  • Heralds (Bards and Diplomats)

  • Spies (Enemy Infiltrators and Scouts)

Infantry Dekarchy/Squad Basic Kit $4,898.

  • Wagon $680, carries up to 638/ 680lbs

  • Large Mule $2,000

  • Group Basics $50; 20lbs

  • Axe $50; 4lbs

  • Saw $150; 3lbs

  • Scythe $15; 5lbs

  • Hammer $15; 1lb

  • First Aid Kit $50, 2lbs

  • 2 4-man Tents $300; 60lbs

  • 18 (2 gallon, filed) Cask $324; 313lbs

  • 4 Baskets $40; 4lbs (holds 4 gallons each)

  • 2 Hatchets $30; 2lbs

  • 2 Picks $30; 16lbs

  • 2 Shovels $24; 12lbs

  • 6 Plumbata $120; 6lbs

  • 30 Caltrops $300; 10lbs

  • 360 rations $720; 180lbs

  • 2 Servants $675/ mo.

Cavalry Dekarchy/Squad Basic Kit $77,742.5

added to the basic infantry when for cavalry. This is for 41 horses (11 mules, 20 reserve horses, and 10 in use horses).

  • 10 Wagon $6,800; carries up to 5478/ 6800lbs

  • 10 Large Mule $20,000

  • Feed (41 horses 10 days) $102.5, 2050lbs

  • 28x 15gal-Barrels $840 280lbs.

  • Water 3157lbs (1 day without forage)

  • 20 horses $50,000

  • 8 Servants $2,700/mo.

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