Here is Jeds Character, some questions

Why is she unmarried? Women are typically forced to marry by society, an admirer or her relatives. Some reason why she is unmarried would be helpful. At default assume, she was but it is learned she was barren. This embarrassed her husbands family and they filed for annulment. You are free to make up your own reason.
Quirks? 5 distinguishing habits, or marks that make her stand out.
Stage Name or Real Name?
Flesh out the background. Feel free task about more about any historical details that might help.
flesh out her motivations, figure out what is her day to day conflict and what keeps her from marrying again or attaching herself to some man as a mistress. Very strong motivations are usually attached to independence.

Feel free modify her. I’ll come up with my own version based on this. (will update probably next week)

Character:Sophia Bella”


Description :


Attributes [40]: ST 9 [-10]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 10 [0].

Secondary Characteristics [0]: Dmg 1d-2/1d [0]; Basic Lift 16lbs [0]; HP 9 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Per 12 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Basic Speed 5 [0]; Move 5 [0]; Dodge 8 [0];

Social Background [5]:

  • Spanish Cultural Familiarity [0];

  • Speak Kastil (native) [0];

  • Tagalog Cultural Familiarity [1];

  • Chinese Cultural Familiarity [1].

  • Speak Tagalog (fluent) [3];

  • R/W Spanish (fluent) [0];

Advantages [70]:

  • Ally (Madrid Olivera) [5];

  • Appearance: Beautiful [12];

  • Combat Reflex [15];

  • Charisma +2 [10];

  • Empathy [15];

  • Reputation (Performer: Manila Area; recognition-10) +2 [3].

  • Fine Manual Dexterity +2 [10]

Disadvantages [-60]:

  • Code of Honor (Lady) [-5];

  • Duty, Non-Hazardous (Performer) [-5];

  • Intolerance (Clergy) [-5];

  • Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10];

  • Secret: Agnostic (Serious Embarrassment) [-5];

  • Sense of Duty (Friends and Loyal Patrons) [-5];

  • Social Stigma (2nd Class Citizen, Barren) [-10];

  • Strength -1 [-10].

Quirks [-5]:

Skills [65]:

Primary Skills [31]:

Intra-Personal Skills [18]:

  • Psychology (H) IQ [4]-15Ə;

  • Body Language (A) Per [2]-12;

  • Diplomacy (H) IQ [4]-14©;

  • Acting (A) IQ [2]-14©;

  • Public Speaking (A) IQ [2]-14©;

  • Observation (A) Per [2]-12

  • Carousing (A) HT [2]-14©.

Performer Skills [13]:

  • Artist (Designer) (H) IQ-2 [1]-10;

  • Profession (Actor) (A) IQ [2]-12;

  • Performance (A) IQ [2]-12;

  • Literature (Theater) (H) IQ-2 [1]-10;

  • Writer (A) IQ [2]-12;

  • Make Up (E) IQ [1]-12;

  • Disguise (A) IQ [2]-12;

  • Sewing (A) IQ [2]-12.

Secondary Skills [21]:

Unusual Skills [21]:

  • Detect Lies (H) Per [4]-12Ə

  • Sex Appeal (A) HT [2]-14@©

  • Sleight of Hand (H) DX [4]-12§

  • Pick Pocket (H) DX [4]-12§

  • Filch (A) DX [2]-12§

  • Hold-out (A) DX [2]-12§

  • Merchant (A) IQ [1]-14©

  • Knife (E) DX [1]-10

Background Skills [13]:

  • Area Knowledge (Manila) (E) IQ [0]-12

Cultural Background [4]:

  • Theology (Roman Catholic) (H) IQ-2 [1]-10;

  • Literature (Spanish) (H) IQ-2 [1]-10;

  • History (Local) (H) IQ-2 [1]-10;

  • Current Affairs (Local) (E) IQ [1]-12;

Status Background [9]:

  • Savoir-Faire (High Society) (E) IQ-2 [1]-12;

  • House Keeping (E) IQ [1]-12;

  • Dancing (A) DX [2]-10

  • Musical Instrument (H) IQ-2 [1]-12§;

  • Singing (H) HT [1]-10;

  • Savoir-Faire (Servant) (E) IQ-2 [1]-12.

  • Current Affairs (High Society) (E) IQ [1]-12;

  • First Aid (E) IQ [1]-12;

@ – Appearance

§ – Fine manual Dexterity

Ə – Empathy

Reaction Bonus: +4 to everyone else, +6 to men, +1 in business transactions, +2 for people who recognize her. A the highest +9 doing business with working class men who watched her perform.

Appearance +2/+4

Charisma +2

Merchant Skill +1

Reputation +2


  • Clothes (status 0) ($120), 4lbs

  • Shoes $40, 2lbs

  • Gloves $15 neg

  • Total $55, 2lbs


  • Umbrella $100 4lb

  • Dagger $20 0.25lbs

  • Pouch $10, 3lbs

    • Personal Basics $5 1lb

  • Flask $10 1lbs

  • Total $145, 9.25lbs

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