Diego Bautista, sample character

This is a sample character for my mahadlika game for the Saturday the 21st. Giving Ideas for my players and options for others to check out.

Character: Diego Bautista

Archetype: Caballero

Description (not going by historical standards of appearance): tall 5’8”, lean and athletic (about 150lbs). He is heavy calloused and scared from a hard life. His facial features reminiscent of being badly beaten while young but distinctly hard and prominent.

Background: Diego Bautista struggled growing up in the streets of Binondo. His father worked as servant and carriage driver of one of the many elite, who lived in the walled city of intramuros.

His life took a serious turn, when in an unfortunate street accident, he failed to stop in time and seriously embarrassed a spanish officer. The officer beat him. His father ran to check on his welfare when stumbled on the officer mercilessly pummeling his young boy. The sight caused him to lose his senses and attack the officer, who quickly shot him dead.

His mother died a year later from the loss and raising him alone. His last remaining relative, his uncle and brother to his mother, having found out too late decided to steal him away from his masters. He decided it would be best that he lived with him, and work in the ship yards.

Because of the many labor shortages of the succeeding year, he and his uncle was press ganged to serve as crew. Soon after the ship set sail, for Spain the crew mutinied and sailed instead to Mexico.

There Diego met with his adventures, joining soldiers turned bandits and lived a life of crime, hired goon, and opportunity. When his band slowly died out, he met many interesting people and grew up. Then, he decided to go back home and see what has changed while he was away.

Attributes [100]: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics [0]: Dmg 1d-2/1d [0]; Basic Lift 20lbs [0]; HP 10 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Per 12 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6 [0]; Move 6 [0]; Dodge 10 [0];

Social Background [5]:

  • Tagalog Cultural Familiarity [0];

  • Speak Tagalog (native) [0];

  • Western, Cultural Familiarity [1];

  • Speak Spanish (fluent) [3];

  • R/W Spanish (fluent) [0];

  • South American (Cultural Familiarity) [1].

Advantages [25]:

  • Unusual background (Soldiered in Mexico, seasoned in the Mexican-American skirmishes) [10];

  • Combat Reflex [15].

Disadvantages [-60]:

  • Social Stigma (Second Class Citizen) [-5];

  • Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10];

  • Code of Honor (Soldier) [-10];

  • Intolerance (Peninsulares and Government) [-5];

  • Secret: Agnostic (Serious Embarrassment) [-5];

  • Sense of Duty (Friends and Loyal Patrons) [-5];

  • Duty, Hazardous (Horseback Messenger) [-10]

  • Curious (12) [-5]

  • Nightmares (12) [-5].

Quirks [-5]:

  • Carries a Notebook with him where ever he goes.

  • Likes Horses

  • Distinctive dark red brown scarring of his left eye. (making it look either red or black depending on the lightinig).

  • Likes to finding small things to read

  • A bit paranoid and careful

Skills [45]:

Primary Skills [22]:

Intra-Personal Skills [13]:

  • Psychology (H) IQ [4]-12;

  • Body Language (A) Per [2]-12;

  • Leadership (A) Per [2]-12

  • Savoir-Faire (Soldier) (E) IQ [1]-12

  • Streetwise (A) IQ-1 [1]-11

  • Intimidation (A) Will-1 [1]-11

  • Acting (A) IQ [2]-12

Horsemanship [9]:

  • Riding (A) DX [2]-12;

  • Animal Handling (A) IQ-1 [1]-12

  • Mounted Shooting Technique (Pistols) (H) Pistol-0 [5]MA;

  • No-Hands Riding (H) Riding+0 (if one hand, -2 if no hands) [2]MA;

Secondary Skills [14]:

Soldier [9]:

  • Soldier (A) IQ [2]-12;

  • Hiking (A) HT [2]-12;

  • Survival (Plains) (A) Per-1 [1]-11;

  • Navigation (A) IQ-1 [1]-11;

  • Swimming (E) HT [1]-12;

  • Running (A) HT-1 [1]-10;

  • Packing (A) IQ-1 [1]-11.

Combat Skills [5]:

  • Pistols (E) DX [1]-12;

    • Weapon Bond Perk (Pistol, Colt Revolver) [1];

    • Fast Draw (Pistol) DX [1]-13;

    • Rifles (E) Pistols-2 [0]-10;

  • Brawl (E) DX [1]-12;

  • Knife (E) DX [1]-12.

Background Skills [7]:

  • Area Knowledge (Manila) (E) IQ [0]-12

Filipino Growing Up [3]:

  • Theology (Roman Catholic) (H) IQ-2 [1]-10;

  • Savoir-Faire (Servant) (E) IQ-2 [1]-12;

  • House Keeping (E) IQ [1]-12;

Unusual Background [4]:

  • Area Knowledge (Rio Grande) (E) IQ [1]-12

  • Ships (Crew) (E) IQ [1]-12

  • Carpentry (E) IQ [1]-12

  • Climbing (E) DX-1 [1]-11.


  • Clothes (status-1) ($60), 2lbs

  • Rain-Coat (status-1) ($60), 2lbs

  • Boots $80, 3lbs

  • Total $80, 7lbs


  • Cheap Large Knife $24 1lb

  • Revolver .36 $150 2.74lbs

  • Pouch $10, 3lbs

    • Personal Basics $5 1lb

  • Canteen $10 3lbs

  • Total $189, 9.74lbs

Travel Load:

  • Strong Pony (ST21) $1800

    • Medium Enc. 265lbs

    • Rider and Equipment 167lbs

    • Equestrian Gear

      • Bit and Bridle $35, 3lbs

      • Horseshoes $50, 4lbs

      • Saddle and Tack $150, 15lbs

      • Stirrups $125, 20lbs

      • Total $360 42lbs

    • Total 2160 209lbs

    • Move 4.2 on a trot, 8.4 on run.

  • Pony (ST18) $1500

    • Medium Load 195lbs

    • Saddle Bag $100, 3lbs

      • Blanket $20, 4lb

      • Clothes ($600), 20lbs

      • Total $120, 24lbs

    • Saddle Bag $100, 3lbs

      • Rations $18 4.5lbs

      • 2 Water Skins $20, 16lbs

      • Total $138, 23.5lbs

    • Total $1758, 47.5lbs

  • Total $3,918

Total $4187, $813 left (50 reals)

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