GURPS Ultra tech and High Tech Corrections

Some unofficial (but necessary) corrections. This makes more sense for me, and allows more natural progression in combat doctrine as TL advances. Instead of seeing a TL9 electro-thermal chemical round with 7dx2.5(2)pi or 62 (2)pi damage cut through a TL10 DR100 battle armor.

I’m particularly happy about the Exo-Skeleton Ready Suit modification. It just really weirds me out that Hardsuits are too obsolete given the severe weight limitations. It also annoyed me that all the Really nice Exo-Skeletons could only work with Sealed Tactical Suits at best, then there is that huge Jump towards Battle Suits ignoring the hardsuits in the tactical doctrine.

APEP Rounds TL9+

Comment. The original stats failed to follow the cubic root conversion of energy to damage, was inconsistent with High Tech’s cost progression and did not live up tot he text describing the tech of APEP. See DU and the APFSDSDU corollation.

Damage: Conventional +20% (+2 per 3d), ETC +33% (+1 per 1d), ETK +50% (+1d per 2d or +2 per 1d). Downgrade Pi by one level, at a minimum Pi-.

Armor Divisor: (2)

Cost: x3

APHC Rounds TL9+

Comment. The cost of a very mature APHC technology is not adequately reflected and has no cost advantage to the other options for the same cost.

Damage: Downgrade Pi by one level, at a minimum Pi-.

Armor Divisor: (2)

Cost: x1.25

HEMP Rounds TL10

Comment. The ammo has some balance problems when it comes to damage. A pistol round (which has the same diameter but shorter than a rifle round) is the same damage as the rifle round.

Damage: 10mm Pistol/SMG round: 6d(5) imp inc + linked 1d-3 cr ex [1d-3]; 15mm Pistol/SMG round: Use the 10mm rifle round.

Cost: x5

ETC Early TL 9+

Comment. In the ETC thread.

Damage: +10% (+1 per 3d ).

Range: +10%

Cost: x1.5 cost of conventional small arm

ETK Mature TL9+

Comment. The same goes for Electro Thermal Kinetic.

Damage: +25% (+1d per 4d, or +1 per 4 average dmg).

Range: +25%

Special Advantage: +1 Accuracy for 2 handed fire-arms.

Cost: x2 cost of conventional small arm

Exo-ready Hardsuits Mature TL9+

Comment. Before jumping towards battle armor and so that hard suits will not be too out class at higher TLs, Exo-skeleton ready Hardsuits are designed.

Special Advantage: These hard suits can be worn with a specially designed compatible Exo-skeletons.

Cost: +$1,000

Hardsuits Mature to Late TL8+

Comment. Basically the Mature to Late TL8 version of the Hardsuit.

DR: 35/20

How much energy is released in a gauss rifle?

Gauss Rifle 0.006lbs (0.0027Kg or 2.7grams ) at 3,476 Joules a speed of 1134 m/s. 3,476 Joules x 12 ROF= 41,712 joules per second or 41.7KWs. 41,712 KWs x 5 seconds = 208,560 Kws or 58KWh (kilo watt hour).

ETC Storm Carbine, APHC 10mmCL; Dmg 7d+2(2) pi; Acc 5; Range 900/2,700; Wt. 8/2.5; ROF 10; Shots 50+1(3); ST 10†; Bulk -4; Rcl 3; Cost $2,700/$65; LC 2.

note: 26(2) dmg (ETC APHC) vs DR50 (TL9 Hardsuits)

ETC Storm Carbine, APEP 10mmCL; Dmg 7d+7(2) pi; Acc 5; Range 1000/3,150; Wt. 8/2.5; ROF 10; Shots 50+1(3); ST 10†; Bulk -4; Rcl 3; Cost $2,700/$135; LC 2.

note: 31.5(2) dmg (ETC APEP) vs DR70 (TL9 Power Armor)

ETK Storm Carbine, APHC 10mmCL; Dmg 8d+2(2) pi; Acc 5; Range 900/2,700; Wt. 8/2.5; ROF 10; Shots 50+1(3); ST 10†; Bulk -4; Rcl 3; Cost $3,600/$65; LC 2.

note: 30(2) dmg (ETK APHC) vs DR70 (TL9 Power Armor)

ETK Storm Carbine, APEP 10mmCL; Dmg 10d+2(2) pi; Acc 5; Range 1000/3,150; Wt. 8/2.5; ROF 10; Shots 50+1(3); ST 10†; Bulk -4; Rcl 3; Cost $3,600/$135; LC 2.

note: 37(2) dmg (ETK APEP) vs DR70 (TL9 Power Armor)

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