Sleepy… the 7the Dwarf

Had a weird dream. It had a lot of really depressing environments. There were a lot of dark, old and decrepit buildings. The buildings that were made during the early 80’s which used bricks on its façade and have lost color with age. It was like the end of the world and nobody was there, except for some cannibalistic goblins that picked off anyone who was too far from where they should be. There was this beach which was dirty, with dark waters and had structures sunken into it. It was like reclaimed manila but reclaimed by the sea.

There were people after me and a mystery afoot. There were some old friend there with me. One of them Paco, who was the our trios muscle. Jomar was the honest face of the group who could slip by and avoid suspicion. I on the other hand was the guy with the plans and schemes, always thinking out of the box.

We were searching for someone, who I was mistaken for. Every time we stumbled on the clues it was like they were left by me BUT the guy had another name. After following some leads, we began to realize that the guys we were hunting for were actually 2 people who came from world away from here. I took for granted much of the subtle high tech visuals the clouds obscured. The cities were beautiful and pure, everything clean and well kept except for the outside, which is where we moved around a lot.

We didn’t belong there, in the nice big city. The group felt the need to be in this graveyard of memories. Its like they were really us in the future, looking into the ruins and remembering a world not a dangerous or depressing. Its like we became what we are out of an accident, like some big war or tragedy no-one wants to remember.

We had a robust and flashy car. It was so funky hi-tech, when it would flood up to our heads it would dive in and not matter. We were going for the next clue and it was a really building converted into a hospital. It had narrow and poorly lit hallways as rooms seemed to fight for space. The time when cut backs and compromise was what made everything was made up of half-assed work. The walls were covered with a vinyl pattern of wood, which was peeling off. You can hear people slowly dying inside if you didn’t keep your focus. We have heard the man we were looking for was here, he was an old man and we needed to find him… I don’t know why.

There were other people they’re looking for him and us. They were in the lower floor. We could not hurry as to start a panic. We eventually found his room, a sight that I can’t remember as we started running. I tried to beat them to the parking garage. I remember running out the windows and jumping into an old fire escape. I thought they would be faster than the stairs as I would just keep jumping from level to level catching myself in the many bars I could easily reach.

Getting to the parking lot, I was looking for the man’s ship. A ship, which I expected to be in a parking garage that was half open. It was night and a fine drizzle of rain fell on everything. Old cars, some broken and rusted. I could not find his ship. As I failed to look, the guys came over and picked me up. Since I seem to be the only face they could identify, I hid in a secret compartment in the car. After which we discussed our next plan of action.

Sleepiness. Woke up at 5 because I was a bit thirsty. Before that I woke up once from the weird dream. I tried waiting up for chat but fell asleep. I got my some prep stuff for the game tomorrow. I’ll just be having dinner soon and fixing up my last bunch of notes. I find out that compared to many animals humans atrophy very fast. A week worth of bumming around can reduce a weeks worth of work by 70%. In two weeks your muscles are more than down its original value.

My knees are pretty weak. When I was turning the grocery cart I pulled a muscle. PULLED A MUSCLE!!! What a fucking weakling. Anyway, I guess I’m glad I’m at my weight and body type. It just takes so much effort to physically keep in shape when your work is sitting on your ass for hours writing and thinking of shit. Man that sucks. I wish they discover the gene therapy for preventing muscular atrophy in humans or at least slow it down by 100 times.

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