Category: Traveller
What would make Players Interested in a Near Future Setting 2050-2070?
When I wrote Mneme Variant Combat Rules in Cepheus Engine, I was using an Adaptive approach to name design. I wanted…
Universal Sandbox Usage Terms are pretty easy to follow
http://universesandbox.com/usage/ If others are considering using Universe Sandbox to detail their Worldbuilding (game material). Hope to make hard SciFi more…
Learning a Lot from Sci-Fi TRPGS: so many ways to die
stuff I didn’t know but learned as I got into Hard Scifi TRPGs 1) humans need 1 atmosphere of pressure,…
Sleep-pod and Freshers – Solving the Orientation Problem
Sleep pods and Freshers can be pretty much the same thing. 1) redundant life support – cabin fails the sleep…
Vertical Orientation and Delta-V based thinking – Why Not?
In Universe Sandbox I can imagine running a game: 1) 2070 -2080 0.7-1.8 E+13 Kg (Gigaton) Asteroid is being evaluated…
Universe Sandbox Gifs and Playing around.
Game Running Logistics: So Universe Sandbox Records Gifs with its built-in video recorder. I have simple rockets and still trying…
Added 6 Career Cards and some minor improvements for Cepheus Engine Character Gen
Updated and Added more Free Stuff to Mneme Variant Combat RulesNicco and I Added the Career Cards. These are a…
Scifi Inspiration – Astrum and detailing Operations
Currently my Game inspiration Every planet in our solar system requires 30-100km/s of ๐ซV months to arrive (A rocket usually…
2KT ship with 3KT ๐ซV engines with Shuttle as Controls.
Notes Habitats are Add Ons – Particularly Spin Habs. They’re bought and sold and Traded. Hull Frames make for very…
7 Kilo Ton Ship used to Traveling between the Moons of Jupiter.
Trying a smaller ship for a change. I’m using “dumb math” ratios and benchmarking against the spaceX ITS as I…
234 Kiloton Ton Freighter
This is a 234 KT freighter. A ton is either one Cubic Meter which is equal to 1 Ton/ 1000kg…
Low Profile 3d Sketch of Wheel Configuration
MAIN POINTS: Many different configurations have trade-offs. Humans are superstitious when faced with so much uncertainty, many designs will prevail…
Habitat Mechanics in TL9.0 to TL9.9 Ship Building
3 sets of Habitats for Ships 15m radius Habitat – it takes 1 to 1 to recover. This means…
Bullet/Carousel and Tomahawk/Wheel Configuration for TL9 Ships
I’m imagining a Tomahawk or a Thrown Axe spinning perpendicular the axis of its Vector. In this configuration, the Pros…
TIL Universe Sandbox is great in explaining Scale and Concepts
I watch a lot of Anton Petrov and I learned he’s been using Universe Sandbox 2 for explaining some of the…
I enjoy the Business (Biz) Ops part of Traveller Games
I’d like to share: I know a few people enjoy the Biz Ops of a Traveller game. When I play…
Space Combat – System Scale and Space Combat Scale
What I want: Space Combat where there is order enough to grasp the most key Conditions. More specifically. The Conditions…
Learning So Much – Modeling 10dton Fighters for Cepheus Engine SRD RAW
There are Some problems in SPACE combat in CE I hope to address. Designing things in a way that 1-2…
Today I learned some Basic Orbital Mechanics
TIL Hohmann transfers and Oberth Effect. Why the Navigator is an Important Job (it is not in the Mechanics of…
Fabrics to Expand Modules for Spin Grav – Cepheus Engine Traveller SRD
Playing around with Hex tube ships for easy manufacture and maintenance. A little gravity is better than none. I would…
Character Creation Flow Chart for Cepheus Engine Traveller SRD 1 page
Here is my own take on Cepheus Engine SRD character Creation (linked to Draw.io). I’ll probably go through multiple iterations. Here’s…
Basic Spacer Modification in 2500
Basic spacer cybernetics and modification. 1) inner ear modification – for spin grav and free fall orientation, as well as…
Lessons Learned – Distracted.
What makes it harder in practice vs theory is that: 1) importing the Pictures BLURS everything so I have a…
Playing Traveller as a 3rd Worlder
I wish more 3rd Worlders Like me Played Traveller. Eventually, Social Inequality Will make those at the Bottom of society…
Traveller Auto Fire Rules and AnyDice Tutorial Studies
I’ve been bothered by some Traveller Dice statistics/probabilities. Particularly Dice statistics of Autofire Rules.I found a great Tutorial on Anydice by…
The most common ship in IMTU Hex Rockets.
The Advantage of HEX modules. This is a 5m Radius Hex Module with 3m Elevation (Vertical). When the Hex Triangles…
Daydreaming of TL9 – a game that Spans 2050 to 2200.
Traveller Games in TL9 2050-2099 ike Delta-V where freelance Astronauts of various specializations are getting hired and trained for…
TL9 EMU Suit and its PSD File and Stats
both EMU unit and Crew Suit PSD file. TL9 Crew Suit 2200 PSD FILE Changed the Shadows Layer into an…
Photoshop FIle of the TL9 Crew Vacc Suit.
Photoshop file (gimp compatible) for TL9 Crew Vacc Suit Traced with a lot of liberties from Albin Merle’s 3d Rendering…
TL9 Basic Crew Vacc Suit 2200
Continued from Vacc Suit musings at TL9 One needs to explain that the way we think of suits as changeable…