Category: Traveller
Updated the TL9 300DT Explorer, 400DT System Defense Boat, 300DT Patrol Frigate
TL9 300DT Explorer TL9 400DT System Defense Boat TL9 300DT Patrol Frigate Buyers of https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/434090/mneme-space-combat-full who have access to the…
Editable Deckplans Added corvette, tender, yacht, and miner
We added the new Editable PPT deckplans to Mneme Space Combat Full. How yachts have enough delta-V to excape earths…
Using the Cepheus Engine Vehicle Builder – Example: Grav Van
Lost the Original File Here is a New Van
Crash Courses Geography was one of my key inspiration to World Generation Mechanics
The Crash Course Geography Series has been a recent inspiration for Traveller. Especially for the Economics and Nuance Side. …
Update: Suit and ship mostly finished.
The ship is 50% Finished Needs to be Rigged and Shader optimized The suit as well, 50% the remaining…
Problem and Opportunity: Why less Efficient and Cheaper Boosters First?
Question: Should Referees require players to calculate how many and how big the Boosters do they need to Escape a…
Learned the rocket equation. Been sick.
Yesterday I learned the Rocket Equation, instead of simply calculating burn Time and adjusting the mass for every second in…
Missiles and Scale. Checking the numbers.
Imagine a 400mm diameter missile made up of a ring 8 60mm solid x 3000mm rockets. Inside its core is…
Hard Scifi – Why would you want to Play with Rockets in a TRPG?
Do you remember the number of rolls you make as you leave the Star-port and Roll for Jump. The Risk…
Sizing Ships – Part 1
My process is so cumbersome and slow. Here I am comparing visually the scale of a 8:1 cuboid and…
New Spreadsheet – that would add another month. Probably Dec
This Ship Design System is going to be Complicated, holding more Detail than the current CE ship system BUT because…
Major Changes – Scope Creep
Scope Creep – why did I add more Scope? because my Assumptions were violated – that I thought I can play…
Ship Compensation and Roles.
Determine Skills required and SHIFTS > Determine Personnel > then Determine Expenses and Compensation. PAY Cr 1000/mo per level of…
Slowly learning – Simple Rockets and how it relates to Traveller
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_velocity Q: If the earth requires 11KMs Escape velocity, when I achieve it at 11.1KMs 𝚫V does that mean I…
Rockets and pushing my limits
All the tools that go to delta-v to be easier goes to designer notes. Sure write the simple parts down…
Being that Annoying Pedantic Guy – Role Playing Operations
I dont know how many people need things to be in a System – where relationships and key terms are…
Its Great, not perfect, but that doesnt stop it from being Great
When I tweak a system typically I do the following: 1) lessen the steps – I map out the…
Seeing Terrible things inspiring my Games
i did this analysis before in my other Job when I worked with BPOs. I’m doing the profitability analysis of…
3rd world biz deals, ship operations
One of the things people don’t really explain about Philippine construction is that gov’t tends to expect that after time…
Some Progress – Ship Analysis
Help people understand how run a ship. Know their costs and how to use the various KPIs. Make that FUN…
Efficiency Curve – I have to make a Chart on the Efficiency Curves.
So the Thrust to Weight Ratio determines an Efficiency Curve for the Mass Ratio (Fuel to total Mass of the…
Its all about the Mass, Structure of Ships
Instead of Distributed Hull, I will be changing the terms so that the reader can easily transition to the harder…
Mass Flow Rate and Specific Impulse Studies
With this, I should be able to guess the Amount of FUEL consumed for a Burn. Knowing how much…
Today I learned more about Thrust to Weight Ratio
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thrust-to-weight_ratio I had to Study the Basics of Thrust to Weight. Sorry I’m juggling a lot, but DO KNOW…
Reflecting on Venus and Mars Terraforming: Space Elevators are Yggdrasil and Mirror Swarms its Leaves and Biome.
I prefer the Idea of Cloud Habitats and a few hundred Habitats orbiting in its thermosphere with Tethers and Electromagnetic…
Space Elevators – how they would come about
Basics First comes the Economic Incentives, the space industry with 100x the investment we currently have in it – because…
Hard Scifi Heroes: Technical Challenges and Overcoming Hazards
I can feel Chris Hadfields frustration that the public doesn’t appreciate “Heroic Problem Solvers”. That violence is the only narrative…
TL9.0 to TL9.2 Modularization Manufacturing
Taylorism and Scientific Manufacturing is in TL5 While FORD and his improvements in the Assembly Line is in TL6 Quality…
My open GDOC notes on Blender -Notes of my work with Nicco for our TRPG writing
200504 GITB Blender Basics These are the notes and tutorials we use as our team is making Game Material. This…
Hard Scifi – Social Classes from a 3rd Worlder
One of the 3rd World aspects of Character creation is the role of Status. Developing Countries – Generational change of…