Category: System Mechanics
More Lethal D20, some learning from tests
D20 SRD without HP is pretty fun. I didn’t have a game to test it out, just a little of…
Finished D20 SRD homebrew Prep
It just need some polish, but it is practically finished. I was able to construct some characters and test out…
Faith is a vice to some philosophies (NWOD)
Faith is a virtue in NWOD but I have to point out that to some philosophies it is a vice,…
Ally or Contact – complexities of relationships
I was wondering about if one had only limited character currency what one should spend on, and I found allies…
I finally checked out Pathfinder; Story Teller Meta-Rules
Its Nice… but its So much to learn. My brother commented “why not just use Pathfinder” and I was worried…
Updated my D20SRD Homebrew Rules
D20 SRD has no power creep, accessible, easily define-able You can find it here. Combat is Lethal with Con being…
Risk and XP
As a scout in airsoft with the killer instinct of a pacifist geek so I get killed a lot in…
Ally followers black boxing
Other than the characters personal wealth, he spends points on allies, which are his followers. Allies that are followers provide…
Another way to deal with GURPS Dmg
Average All Damage. This is great with fire-arms. Just apply the 3.5 per d6. Do the same for melee weapons,…
Scratching that Pedantic Urge: Economy Sizes
I just got to get this itch: Starting Wealth is determined largely by the size of the Economy. Imperial Rome,…
Social Advantages requirements
Some advantages have a cost to maintain. Contacts and networks are something I am terrible at maintaining, my best bet…
Role-playing Debate and Argument
Knowing “Objections“, Logical Fallacies, and Cognitive Biases are usefull life skills… but it should not get in the way of…
Persuasion vs Core Beliefs
The first requirement of persuasion or diplomacy is that everyone have the same goals or motives. That what is asks…
Quicker Play Ideas; Musing a different kind of podcast
So I hit a lot of major edits. Right now the LibreOffice is slowing down. I plan to revert them…
GURPS Lite Setting Specific Polished
I predict that it will be around christmass when I will finish my final polish this this GURPS lite doc…
Some Rules for Open RPG: System Effect of Difficulty and Modifiers
Here are some rules notes: Technical Rules regarding Penalties and Modifiers. Since ORPGS is a Target Number based system, there…
Cards as an Organization Mnemonic
Using Cards The cards are meant to concentrate and prepare details that are relevant. In a Top Heavy game like…
Adventuring Utility vs Real World Utility
GURPS looks at relationships of point cost to Adventuring Utility, and not Real World Utility. If you are familiar with…
Is there a bias against ak? Scientific damage
Ok GURPS calculates damage based on barrel length, diameter and mass of the bullet. The ak101 is an ak that…
Reflections on GMing after Simulations; Random Generating Flaws and Perks
There are a lot of ideas that come to me from converting my airsoft experience into GMing. One thing that…
GURPS Talents, Multiple Intelligence, and Geekdom
lately my readings about Emotional Intelligence got me thinking more about the Multiple Intelligence Theory (note the difference between Theory…
Ancestry of Game Design
First there was Natural Philosophy, the knowledge of how the world worked before math became involved. Next it grew into…
Metric Madness: World Building
Some Useful Notes, in making your detailed equipment lists. A regular backpack is surprisingly a small 16L in volume. Typically…
Answering Sources; Old School Inspired Tinkering
Answering Sources. Ancient Empires before Alexander is a great read. As for Anarchangels’s question regarding taxation. Sorry I don’t have…
Answering some Puzzles: Empires and Economics
I was stuck at how does an empire of millions stretching thousands of miles get its funding. One of the…
Game Design: an Expression of Understanding
I always try to express what I have just learned in my own words or game systems. Its a learning…
Physics of Fighting
I’m doing some exercises right now both physical and in math. Just testing out my understanding of physics and comparing…
Reimagining the Shortsword
I got a problem trying to imagine a shortsword. Warswords, as we know them, evolved from shortswords. This is an…
Sacred Oaths
The humble Serf, as well as Husbands and Wives, to entrepreneurial Peasant and Yeomen, to loyal Retainers and Vassals, the…
GURPS Mass Combat Made Easier and What is the Entity of a State?
GURPS mass combat is a bit hard to take all in. at once There is a limitation of examples because…