Category: BLOG
Updated TL10 Soldier Outfit and Load Out.
Personals Bag: $75, 4lbs Rugged and Discrete Belt optional bag 1.5lbs $20 Rugged and Expensive Multi-tool (includes butane torch-lighter) 0.5lbs…
GURPS Traveller: Interstellar Wars – Vehicle Based Campaign
Traveller: Vehicle Based Adventure In terms of space combat, I noticed unlike ground side engagements its harder to Role-play individual…
GURPS Traveller Interstellar Wars – Review
Review. It seems as time passes, I see more and more un-answered problems with the GT-ISW book. More and more…
Sci-Fi Load-out: Long Ranged Operation Load
TL10 Long Operational Range Package. $37,190 Basically, this is a long range package complete with all essential gear for a…
More Courtier Templates
The adventuring troupe is not complete with the non-combatant arm of an adventuring party. Before I prepare a sample adventure…
GURPS Modern Combat part I: Common Ground
I want to go into how I run my Modern Combat games, but first lets start with some templates that…
Rice, Potatoes and Corn
Gaming and Its Uses. I was able to figure out a few things thanks to the help of the SJ…
A Lady’s Honor: The Analysis of a woman of Philippines 19th century
Emerging from a purely domestic figure, the woman’s place in 19th century Spanish Philippines is centered around family. The role…
I’ve been reading up on a lot of novels lately. A lot of them military sci-fi, but as my favorite…
My Template for Knights
The Warrior Class. The Knight is a term for the mounted warrior social class. In many ancient and medieval cultures,…
Exoskeletons, Load Bearing Gear and Encumberance
So you can carry 45lbs with no encumbrance, does that mean one can still move as freely as a person…
GURPS disadvantages of what would be considered normal
From this thread I semi-started and continued from an older thread. Alternate Title: Disadvantages that fill you up quick! I…
Some Mooks Based on a SJG Post
Here is a write up based on Perfect Organisms post. My own take on these mooks, you may note I’m…
The Power Brokers of Mahadlika. v0.33
The terms Courtier or Power broker are not appropriate in the islands of Ma’ai, this is because brokering power is…
What is Mahadlika again?
I remember in 2003 when I posted my Mahadlika Thesis website there was nothing about it online. Now, I’m glad…
Some Character Creation: A Squire
A Squire. I made a squire for a Fading Suns. The way I make characters is starkly different from many…
I need to find a writer or two who I can work with to further develop mahadlika.Can’t find any writers…
Post Apocalypse Game: Stripped Down
Well the Post Apocalypse Game will be pushing through. Basically with these new organizational skills, thanks to my new bible…
Professional Skills
GURPS. In gurps I’ve always wondered how these skills reflected real life. I’ve taken to account several things, and particular…
The Imperial Line
Constantine XIII, won the throne almost 10 years ago. Alliances always shift, this is current one in 366th year of…
Project Outline
Game Setting. (2 hours) House Komena: Resources, Families, Family Tree, Vassals, Resources, Army, and Territories. (2 hours) House Osman: (same)…
Minutes of the meeting: Post Apoc Game Prep
Here are the last parameters discussed1. 100cp, 50cp from basic disadvantages. 1.1.Basic Disadvantages, choose up to 50 points (you may…
Entrepenureship Bringing Life to Mahadlika
I have a business plan where I will use mahadlika as Proof of concept. Basically i will taking some business…
Its about time
Well i have time now. Anyway, I’m working on a 11C Crusades Dark Fantasy Campaign Setting, that I plan to…
Equipment Lists
This is filler until the real Low Tech comes around. It is mostly based on the discussion on the forums.…
Equipment Lists
This is filler until the real Low Tech comes around. It is mostly based on the discussion on the forums.…
Some Basic Equipment
Squadron or Deckarchy Equipment. (p. 138) 1st. Footman:1) Thick Tunic which extends down over the knees.2) Heavy Hiking Sandals. Note:…
Finally Got my copy of the strategikon. I’m painting some Byzantine Figs (5century) and organizing a targetnumber based set of…
The myriad peoples of the Byzantine Game.
The Peoples a Player can choose for a character are as follows: Byzantine Greek Macedonian Ilyrian Armenian Latin Nomad Hun…
Right now I’m very busy and I don’t think I will be free to update until august.