I will need to eventually move to Self Hosted WordPress site our company has a web developer now, entry level. I consider websites low margin – a necessity but it should just have basic customization options.
I got to thinking of some CORE mission vision basics about what game in the brain about – Game in the brain is an OPEN SOURCE TRPG publisher. Trying to make open source as a business work in both my Hobby of TRPGs and my work.
I’m trying to do what the FUTO (the company Louis Rossman is working in now) who started the Source First license – basically its Open Source Free except for Billionaire or Mega Corporations – I agree that Open Source Foundation is keeping it free but not considering allowing contributors to make a living out of this – enabling Corporations to make a TON OF MONEY out of open source and not contributing to it proportionally.
In the Philippines right now I’m negotiating with Frappe and NextCloud – hey your product is free and open source – I want you to make money but we cannot force people to pay you (and because its free we can do this without asking permission ) – we will charge the annual cost that would be more competitive than Google workspace or another ERP – the Open Source partner gets 80% and we get 20% of the service of installing and setting it up.
Note that in the Philippines, the final price would be 1200 USD + 12% VAT—our Value Added Tax is not the same as the USA’s, which is only applied to anything added. In the Philippines, the VAT is a sales tax. So the 1200 USD will have 144 USD taxes (which we remit to the government every month).
It comes with a 1 year warranty of support (anything wrong with the service of installation). We dont want to do the Software as a Service – we believe we can do it with Support services – as they need it, and Upgrade Services – if they want the additional upgrades and updates within the year is covered by the 1 year warranty and support… but beyond that year the customer can choose to not get any support if they dont need it. We believe only 10-20% of customers will need it… of the 10,000 businesses (2025-2035) we plan to set this all up – we believe only 1,000 SMEs will just get support from us while the 9000 dont need it and are happy with it in the next 3-5 years. They will probably get us to migrate to NEW hardware.
We want to do the same for DEBIAN (helping companies migrate to Debian Linux In light of Crowdstrike fiasco and the End of Windows 10 (costing 61usd, 122 USD, and 244 USD in the succeeding years).
Game in the Brain’s Open Source CC-BY-SA SHIPS and materials were supposed to do that, but that needs a lot more stuff—like the FDM 3D printable procedural 3D Character generator and various tools that will allow you to easily create all this material and resell or trade it.
Creating an OPEN SOURCE economy—wresting trillions from corporate greed to regular people who will not HOARD the wealth and create artificial scarcity but circulate it more efficiently. As a world builder, I know my economics, and this is where my economic beliefs, practical skills, and Social responsibility all align—like a Min-maxer: Altruism Optimized.
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