So it seems that DriveThruRPG allowed Mneme Space Combat to autopublish.
What happens next?
- Monthly Plugging (Spamming) the FB groups of Traveller with the small improvements of the product.
- Model of the Life Pod and Art of the Life Pod. Distributed life support.
- Model of the Passenger Seating Modules. economics of operating a vessel.
- Monthly Sample Encounters and Combat. This is pretty important because sample combat in both Mneme Space Combat and Mneme Personal Combat Rules would benefit in walkthroughs and samples.
- Armed Traders against a variety of opponents.
- Defense boats against Pirates and Raiders.
- Tactics involving Fighters and how to run larger-scale combat.
- I’m looking forward to plugging my product monthly because I like talking about my projects and making it known that my kind of product exist: Editable Files, Blender Models, Hard Scifi, Referee/GM centric Design.
- Future Projects:
- Gravitic-Less Delta-V Budget Rules (GL-DV)
- FINALLY! I get to have the set up to establish rules where there is no Gravitics (No Gravity Manipulation) and No-Reactionless-Drives. There will be a set of ships and rules for GLDV and all its logistics.
- It will cover the following:
- Angular Size a simple calculator that will help people imagine how big is the planet or asteroid in a given distance.
- Logistics of GLDV – when trips take months.
- Economics: Opportunities and Risks: Encounters and Scenarios.
- Space Combat with Delta-V Budget Rules!
- New Tech Level System (see Mneme World Generator Tech Levels)
- “New Ships” – Basically, pre-TL 9 ships. TL6 to TL8 Ships and mechanics for a Sol Based Campaign and a Human diaspora of a hundred billion.
- Vehicle Building Spreadsheet.
- Battery Rules
- Tweaks to the system that make it more usable and spreadsheet-friendly.
- Update the Lore: Hard Scifi Setting, which has a more dragged out tech progression where instead of taking 100 years for FTL, it takes 200 years.
But I will definitely take a couple of weeks break from any Game writing and work.
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