- Had a major Re-write. Ranges are tricky and rewriting it is hard when it’s a system and everything affects everything – and I have to hunt down the various mentions. I’m learning a lot Playtesting the mechanics – like a war gamer.
- Script of the Sample Encounter: Sample encounters help see how all the rules work. Inspired by Somali Pirate encounters.
- Reading the Script and Recording it in Roll20 with OBS.
- Uploading it in Youtube and Editing it.
- Finalizing the Book:
- Removing my Notes
- Updating the ART
- Adding the Formatted, easier-to-read stats of CE SRD ships.
- Exporting it into PDF and then uploading the Table of Contents.
- Uploading it to the AI for proof reading – asking it questions to explain certain mechanics. (this is happening through the entire editing of this book).
- ZIP all the Power Point Files of the Ships
- Clean up the Ship Building Spreadsheet for presentation
- ZIP all the Blender Models of the Ships
- Upload them in Drivethru RPG…
- Ive been working on this more than Mneme World Generator and I wonder if 3rd time is the Charm. Anyway I plan to continuously Add more ships and update it until All the ships in the CE SRD are built. I hope I exceed World Generators with Silver with this book.
- I don’t know if people want a book that gives you the Editable Files, Blender Files, Spreadsheet that helps build more ships in CE RAW, that can be used in many CE Settings.
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