Year: 2022
Update: Preview is now Working – Milestones
UPDATES So Thanks to Kari Jo Freudigmann of one bookshelf emailed back and helped with the problem. I overlooked the…
Look at a company and wonder – how much can it be plundered for and I realize how much it will exploit its workers.s
When they say they have no MONEY in the business, that’s bullshit. What they mean is that they have NO…
Business Model: Core is perpetually updated – things you can produce with core pays for Core’s support.
What would 5 years of doing this success look like (we would both be 48, by the 5th year, many…
Late Bronze Age Fantasy Setting – Against all Gods by Miles Cameron Against all the Gods Is an audiobook I’m currently listening to which is set in a FANTASY setting similar…
Lessons Learned: 2 man operation
Discussing with Nicco about our milestones. Particularly making a Complimentary product to Near Space by Stellagama Publishing. Which are Detailed…
What would be the minimum usable milestones of Ship Generation Tool?
working with the ojts in making the World Generator back in May. Eventually, I will have to pay 10-40usd an…
Milestones – Grateful for Any patronage
Milestones. Currently 23 people bought it (as of August 4). Ive some milestones. I had planned on 20 I will…
Quick Preview Enabled, don’t know how to set up full preview.
We want people to really see everything before they buy. Self-interest wise its just easier to manage expectations when the…
A different type of TRPG products. Including Software Tools. Thanks for your Support!
Now that I learned enough Javascript to make a Spreadsheet calculator for Character creation (instead of randomizing the stats, it…
MNEME world Generator (Cepheus Engine Compatible) is now Available.
Mneme World Generator is now available for download. access to a spreadsheet to let you generate a solar system with a…
Got Confused: Create Title Page is a Different Step from Upload Digital Download Files for a Title
I thought that uploading the book on the “Set up a new Title” is the book itself (I haven’t done…
Next Project Musings
What would people buy? or What would make running games easier? I don’t know. We made MNEME world generator because…
Update: Uploaded and Waiting for approval. Estimated Wed or Friday.
Waiting for it to be reviewed before it becomes published. no Watermarks. There is a PDF outline There are Internal…
2022 July 22 Update on the Book. Target uploaded in Drivethrurpg by Sunday July 24
Issues and Tasks to do. Nicco gave me the consolidated copy already. Completely forgot the Open Gaming license in the…
How to use the Planet Generator Blender file that comes with the World Generator Book.
Am I predictable? Anyway I like making tools and explaining why we did things a certain way. I want to…
How to use the World Generator Spreadsheet
You will have a Link to a View Only Copy of the Spreadsheet, it comes with the book. Make a…
Target Audience – when making something that is not going to be popular.
Target audience for my book: people who want to make a solar system, not just a world. Chapter 12 features…
Its ALMOST DONE! gave the second milestone payment.
Almost DONE, by done:1) Nicco is Wrapping up the Book 2) the Ojts (Lloyd, Ranz, and Michael) are on the last…
World Generator Update: First Milestone Star and Companion Stars and Transpose.
This is how the World Generator looked based on “Learn Google Spreadsheets” Tutorials by John Karol. John had other matters…
project Update: weighted milestone
Project update. So teaching the Ojts who have basic scripting skills to script the World Generator in Google Sheets. The…
Progress Update: art has progressed
Some things that are done. 1) Hex Map for the solar system – so that people can easily calculate distances…
OJTs and Software Project: my Distractions, Market or Product happens first?
Its funny talking to 20-year-olds, about my World Generator because I believe by the time I’m 60 and they’re 40…
Software Progress many problems – but art and the book is for Completion
I figured out how to do the software if it has to be on my own. My real problem is…
Companion AI in Scifi
I can imagine settings where digital companies for mental health would be a right. An external memory of who we…
Mechwarrior Anachronisms and considerations
Notes after a lot of MWO with my team. Mechs wouldn’t have exposed cockpits, it would be like a…
How much am I willing to risk. Work from Home and Hybrid Work Future and predictions.
I realize with the family business – my thesis is the Work from Home and Hybrid Work* the question is…
Risk and what it tells me about people
Risk Acceptance is one of the most interesting philosophical discussions in cost Reimbursable Contracts vs Firm Fixed prices. The Dilemma: …
Rearranging my Team to Speed up Implementation
I am trying to convince the management (which ultimately defers to my mom), that we may have shift my resources.…
Slow because we violate critical chain
Stuff that is slowly coming togther: 1) consolidation of all the IT equipment from all 3 main branches. Missing are…
Progress Update: Delays – bills to pay and Side Projects (more of a work post)
So my team is delayed this week and probably until the end of the week to next week. This is…