I told my son – when Your older no one will correct you or fix your mistakes (especially when my Mentors retired, no one really checks my work, and my uncle passed). So when I see an obvious mistake or a REALLY badly designed function system I cannot remind myself I’m an adult and no one is around to correct me.
Not bad for a guy who’s job is really the Social Skills used to develop Win-Win scenarios but wants to be a scientist and used to be a graphic artist.
Exciting how this is shaping up. This can be reUSED for Vehicles, Mechs, and SUITS. So when I make this part of 2-Parsec and Mneme World Generator, I can imagine someone will make their own Traveller ship construction system.
This is great for work also because I need to figure out how to Organize our Inventory and Item Codes and Categories for insight about our Purchases and Sales. When you play and Breathe Biz Ops in Traveller its a really hard skill develop and playing Traveller allows you to go through MORE SCENARIOS than a person can have in their real life. Games give us the rehearsal practice we would never have the opportunity in real world conditions.
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