In Cepheus Engine Ship Creation the following Are Tables that Should be converted to Simple formulas.
- Hulls Cost and Dtons.
- MDrives, JDrives and Power Plants.
- Bridges and Cockpits.
- Computers
- RANGES for both Sensors and Combat.
Simple Averages can be used to Calculate how the tables work out.
- Hulls. Get the Cost/DTON. So average is about 60,000 per dton. With prices going as high as 100k/dton. Since we are going to make these Non-Gravitic the prices should be as low as 1/10 or 1/3. Let’s have a conservative 1/3 or 20,000Cr per dton (which is equal to 10 mass ton capacity and 15 cubic meter volume).
- MDrives and JDrives – this is a fun and simple puzzle. How do I get the correlations of the data which should be something I could do as part of my job and a gamer. The simple solution I though of was the Performance ratio. Begin with the Performance per Ship Dtons and Dtons of Component. Ok.
- Q: What are the relationships? A: I want Performance is related to its Dtons of Component = Per/Comp.Dtons. So I get the performance per Comp.Dtons.
- But now I have a new problem – the performance should go down per shipdtons. (Performance/CompDtons)/ShipDtons.
- I arrive at the Performance per Component Dtons per ship Dtons. But I cannot use that. I need a relative Value to work with not just straight Dtons of Component. I need % of the ship. (Dtons/Ship). I cannot work with 0.1 Jump/Accel per comp.DT/ship.DT
- I have to isolate the Component Dtons % of the Ship. Component Dtons / ShipDtons / performance. I arrive at a Performance of 1 = 2.5% of the Ship’s Dtons of Components. Round Dtons of Component Up.
- So a Performance 1 Ship would be 1-2.5% of their Dtons for MDrive. And 5-12.5% for JDrive.
- So the Maneuver Drives (and there for Reaction Drives) will be 2% per Dtons of Ship per Unit of Performance: Acceleration. To get Thrust just get multiply Ship Dtons by 10 mass Tons and multiply this by 9.8M/s^2 and Acceleration. A 100Dton Ship at Accel 4 = 100dtons x 10 mass tons x 9.8 x 4 = 39.2 MN of thrust. So a 100Dton ship with Acceleration of 4 has 8% of their Dtons in M/RDrives. Or 8Tons. Averaged out thats 2M/dton of MDrive. For Reaction Drives thats 1/10 for 0.2M. In CE Tables its average about 2.1M/dton
- The Jump drives is 5x as much at 10% of Ships Hull per Jump level at 2M. In CE Tables its 1.7M/dton. Keep it Simple round off. So a Jump 1 capable courier is 10dtons.
- Power Plants are purely for Jump Drives and Energy Equipment. A Powerplant can support X Dtons of Jump Drive and High Energy Components equal x2 their Dtons. 10dtons of Jump requires 5dtons of Power Plants. For Non-High Powered Components, a dton of power plant supports 10dtons. So the same power plant can maintain 50dtons of components.
- TL determine Days, Weeks, and Months of Power.
- Bridges and Cockpits should be simpler. Minimum 1 dton which can fit 1 person with computers, controls and sensors. Needs 5% of the ship. At only 2% DM-1 for checks. Double at 10% of the ship DM+1. At 100,000Cr per dton of controls. There is enough Life support in the Controls for 1 person per dton.
- 5Dtons per Turret. As a 4 dton = 1 40ft container or 2Dtons = a 20ft Container. You can imagine a Turret is an extruding 20ft container bump on the ship. Maximum of 10% of the ship.
- Axis Mounted Weapons and Simple Launch bays – launch bays have enough reaction mass to push the object out or mechanical push systems that eject the object out. Imagine launching a 10 or so missiles without any delta V except the delta v to move it away from the ship. Then its reaction drives kicks. Axis Mounted weapons – imagine a 60m diameter spin gravity with a Mass Driver attached along the circumference – launching missiles or projectiles.
- Computers being DATA CENTERS with HVac, power supplies and protection, shielding and hardening and redundancy. as 1DTON = 15 cubic meters and a micro data center unit is easily just 2.0 cubic meters.
- Range Combat and Sensors
Javascript/Google App script is needed for the Drop Downs. That took about 2 nights. And even after figuring it out I had a lot to think about – like how to order the information.
You will notice 3 Qty. The first quantity is a reference quantity typically Number of UNITS or the Dtons of the ship.
I had to watch “Learn Google Spreedsheet” to review IFS (many ifs) and OR() and AND() functions. Then I had to google how to create NESTED quotes. so I need to add a certain number of quotes that I don’t full understand even if I made it work. Trial and Error – using the feedback of it working. I think we get overloaded and we cant understand it anymore and rely purely on the black box – not knowing how it works but knowing If I do X then Y is the outcome.
So I need to make these all manageable. Like instead of EVERY battery and TL power Plant looks an Index Match.
This is my first try – I later realized I should use an Index Match for this. That is another mental ORDERING of how this will all lookalike.
Next I have to have a Column that Simplifies all the text.
I’m still studying the Orbital period. I learned Mu or mu (µ) and its gravitational constant and mass. My problem is that there is a lot of PREREQUISITE knowledge when mike aben is talking – like having to remember everything in the previous Videos in his kerbal.
I will have to have to use a WORKAROUND – particularly Circumference and ΔV – that the ship is orbiting at the Speed of its ΔV and it takes X hours per orbit.
in ΔV every Position is an ORBIT.
A % of Orbit Time (possible to have more than 100% orbit) = Orbital Period per leg of the trip.
so I add up all the Orbital periods until I’m at my destination.
You know what’s MIND BLOWING about this NON-linear method of travel –
1) I’m effectively JUMPING between CURVED space times per gravity well/spheres of influence. I’m Accelerating to get out of one, and Decelerating to orbit one until its time for me to get off.
2) Abstracting is not impossible with someone who just knows algebra and doesn’t do heavy math for work like me. Its all about Extremes and Averages. Since I sum ALL the orbital periods of each leg of the journey I just have to make sure the CRITICAL CHAIN and PATH have the largest weight and base of a % of that. Basically it means If I want to get to MARS from EARTH – I have to factor the Orbital periods and base a % out of that.
Now Once I have the % of Period or TIME then I can chose to BURN more extra Delta V to reduce that time. If I burn x2 as much delta V I can assume I’m halfiing the time.
Pecier is going to teach me and Nicco about Hohmann transfers – which means teaching us to calculate orbital periods.
I realize the amount of Delta V of fuel in TL9/12 (Cepheus engine 9 and Mneme 12) is so efficient its possible to send a probe to go reall
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