Proprietary vs Open Source – my parents philosophies against mine

As an end-user OPEN SOURCE is a miracle. 

as an IT Company, it makes the company irrelevant. 

Currently, I’m in my ERPNext implementation. Our current proprietary Application vendor has been Failing to make their Daily Time Record application work with our Old Biometrics. Their support is terrible answering us in weeks. So we are going ahead and connecting the biometrics to ERPNext with our current Erpnext vendor. 

This is one of the many problems we face – vendors Fucking up and selling us SHADY products, and them winning because they are the lowest bidder. 

Lets get to my parents – they want to invest in IT. They are investing in some proprietary tech and I have been using Open Source to prop up our company when so many of these proprietary tech FAIL and we have no more money to fix things. 

How can you make money in IT if its Open source? YOu make money in OPEN SOURCE because you are OBJECTIVELY the best Project Management and problem-solving team for this project. 

NO PROPRIETARY BULLSHIT that will make themselves marketed adjacent to the product that they hope to replace. Out right the Open Source solution is better for its cost. 

that’s the thing I’ve been raised that RENT SEEKING BEHAVIOR is the ideal. and Watching the news of how the rich act here in the Philippines – NONE OF THEM ARE PRODUCTIVE – they are all rent seekers not innovating. They have social structures set up with sycophants and yes men – devising better ways to exploit people – employees or client or vendors. 

How can parents teach INTEGRITY and the same time promote RENT SEEKING behavior? 

Am I promoting Meritocracy by advocating Track record and Integrity in capabilities? 
What is meritocracy to an OLD person who is not as productive anymore? 

Honestly once its my time I wish I can OD pain medication. I love my family and want to make sure they are ok and taken care off but once I’m an economic burden to them I don’t feel so bad being euthanized. I want a world where people don’t need to be euthanized – that we are allowed to die on our own terms but we are not discard once we become an economic burden. Thats the thing I’ve accepted I will be an economic burden in the future – and accepted my families history of dementia. I’ve accepted that for my loved ones to not have to deal with supporting an old man who is useless I don’t mind getting euthanized as painlessly as possible. 

I don’t see my children or students as LABOR assets to give me a return once I’m an economic burden. Until a future where there is a gov’t to support unproductive humans like incapacitated old me exists then the reality is that euthanasia is the reality for me. 

If I succeed in my projects – if I gain the resources to shape policy and the world where there is REAL productivity – people like myself who cease to become contributing members of society can feel like we don’t have to be a burden on society and future generations. But knowing people would rather fake productivity with rent seeking behavior and people would rather Support a vicious cycle of treating other humans as labor units to extract support then a future where I can be old and unproductive will not exist. 

I bet even 50-70 years ago there already existed enough tech and people to create this future where people are all taken care of. I am one of the many who will try and likely fail. 

I think we can do high-integrity problem-solving work its just that its easier to exploit people and make excuses. 

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