Letter not Sent: Inquiring about Communication Graduates

In writing this I realize the real problem and that I will not have such resources. If already basic requests that cost nothing (hyperbole, it costs the hours I spend managing the ojts and the 4.2 usd/mo of their gsuite account) to the company are not met then I never going to be able to communicate these things effectively.   


May I inquire if this is a proper project for Communciations Graduates? 

Problem Statements:
  1. Understanding of Company Problems and Logic. One of my chief problems as the IT and Plant Director is the explanation of LEAN, QMS, and the Role of Technology. One example is the Concept of Bottlenecks in Theory of Constraints (aka TOC by Eliyahu Goldratt) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_constraints and Basics of Cost Benefit Analysis (an activity performed by Cost Accounting Specialization – thinking in  Costs). I discovered that in my organization the Importance of explaining that the Technical is our bottleneck (technical in the workflow of our Organization, they create Bill of Materials/Quantities (BOM/BOQ)  and Designs for Implementation for Projects that have been contracted to begin as well as the for potential Clients as it is submitted as Bids and Proposals.

    I have to explain concepts in Quality Management like Resource Optimization Techniques (resource smoothening/Balancing/leveling). That I have to address the Problem of the Technical as it is the chief causality of the other problems. And as in TOC this bottleneck is relieved the Bottleneck Changes and thus the next department whose capacity cannot handle the load a more efficient Technical Dept  – then the strategy must change and ADD the NEW bottleneck. Eliyahu Goldratt explains that we make certain processes more efficient, and thus we discover the Limits of the downstream processes. (probably 40-80 hours to research, create material for and Iterate as Drafts as polished)

  2. Explaining the role of FreeCAD and Blender as the Solution. I have a lot of disparate notes and collections of analysis about our Bottleneck processes – People don’t seem to have the patience of sitting down and reviewing our research and it seems the research has to be further Polished.

    The reason why we got into the Solution was that – we discovered some key details about our process: We redraw everything because 3d models and concepts first presented to the client are not accurate to the millimeter, that communication itself is a first Task in the Process to manage client expectations, and as the Client Approves elements one detail at a time (Like Approving the Look, then approving the Materials – example They will approve a Rendered Picture of what the office will look like – but all the components have to meet our Standard Parts and Materials that exist in the Real World).

    Designers Propose 3d Concepts for the Client and Our Plant and Engineers will convert them to their real-world equivalent – and thus the Activity we perform the most is Taking a Concept and applying the standard 24-32mm thickness of the board, or how a 4’x8′ board will be cut for this Project.

    Explaining that We take a Concept the Client has in their imagination – making it real we need 3D visualizations of a 3D Parametric Program with Depth and Colors instead of using JUST 3D Drawings. Blender and FreeCAD – are both free and open source and thus we are not limited to spending 50k per user as well as developing a 3D approach to all work which is important for all Engineers and Designers as we move towards 2030.

    In the future thinking in 3D and modeling in 3D is what is needed before AI will automate so much of the tedium of creating parts. . (probably 40-80 hours to research, create material for and Iterate as Drafts as polished)

  3.   Explaining the Role of a Construction and Manufacturing Company in 2030. What skills and capabilities are expected?  I have a problem explaining the History of Technology and the Trend and how Technology evolves in both Developing Countries and to be Developed. How manufacturing was before and how it is now in developed world countries and how it will be in the Philippines and how it will be with the disruptive Tech (I worked with the IT OJts in NU and read and study about the role of AI – and focus on realistic low-hanging fruit implementations of such technology).

    That I have to explain concepts like Taylorism, the advent of Demming in the Quality management system that birthed Toyota Production System and LEAN, Theory Constraints, and how Eliyahu Goldratt gives us the techniques to drill down to see how it will play out in broad strokes. That the use of Enterprise Resource Planning Software, Open Source CAD and 3D software, Right to Repair, and the Problem Solving and research and development skills that is needed to become a type of Construction Company that would not be Out of Place in 2030 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zRabWF6oI2joK9VHrkFDUSRAYP2Ux7p-/view?usp=sharing  

In summary – My challenge is that I read all the books, and the videos, and applied my training in QMS, IT, and technology, and I fail to communicate how all these tie together for a solution. Communication is a huge requirement for a company – that it is a bottleneck, that no major undertaking of an organization with high stakes if all levels cannot communicate the motive, self-interest, risks, and benefits of undertaking such complex projects.

Our average is 47 in our organization, we struggle to teach people to use a Spreadsheet with functions and formulas, and we struggle to communicate the importance of education and continuous study EVEN IF its mandated in ISO 9001 under 10.3 clauses – if strictly followed evidence of Continous improvement is a requirement. How do you communicate to someone who doesn’t understand how a System harms them – and instead falls to the Human tendency to blame others and people instead of seeing that there has to be a Systematic solution? For them to understand what is in their best interest that they need to Communicate. 

I’m A graduate of Multi Media Arts, but came from the College of Science, and I specialized in Game Theory – this is an example of a Failed Coordination Game – that our self-interests will align to Win-Win – if only we can coordinate, which requires communication. My bottleneck is that I lack Accessibility – the ability to Translate my Idea ad observations into something the demographic of our company can understand and can get behind. I lack the marketing to simplify the concept BUT allow people to see the Bigger picture.

if I were to guess how much effort it would be to communicate these projects I believe it would be a full-time job of 2 level 1 staff (20k php/mo and ideally an IE and a Comms/Marketing graduate) where the staff spends 10 hours a week interviewing and getting the baseline of the audience, 20 hours a week researching (videos and books), and 18 hours a week drafting the presentations. for an organization that is made up of 500 employees as well as partner organizations.  That every 200-400 hours we would have a presentation and a guerrilla memetic campaign in the company to make people understand the objectives.  That after QA and IT and Accounting Get the Data from ERP, Issues, and Tickets – they create a Narrative of how they affect the employee’s most immediate conditions. 

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