Developing World vs Developed World – how these are supposed to work Together.

 i hate that being a developing country we get the Galaxy A12 a 2020 Nov Phone. and have to jump through hoops to get a 1 year old phone Galaxy A22 a 2021 June at 267usd.

That when the Phone launches our market is too small for the logistics to have a Phone with Android mode of the same year (and thus support) wont happen. 

That the 500-600usd fairphone is years away from being sold here. 

But being a Developing Country, If I had the time and attention to start a biz in Laptop Repair, getting a small good rep laptop repair biz and investing on the 600usd microscope, the logistics, and the setting up the competitive repair and servicing we would be the first in the country if not the region. 

If I consolidated the PCB repair groups and invested in the equipment in our plant and partnered with Schools of Industrial Engineering and Industrial Technology It would be possible to break those expensive repair costs and yet have a profitable and value-adding biz. 

If I were to have thousands of dollars to invest in developing – add ons for freeCAD or ERPnext to make it region friendly and provide the end-to-end solution for companies to transition to it there is just SO much opportunity. 

Hiring a developed world professional with skills and standards of 4k USD manday is super expensive vs our 300usd per manday or 100usd per freelancer manday but once the Standards and Set up is made that developed world professional has developing world contractors to draw from to resell and those of us here have developed world expertise to draw from. 

Of course, these are 2-3 year endeveors requiring a thousand of hours a year of attention. Juggling parallel tasks and a complex critical chain. 

My proof of concept is helping my friend by buying add ons and gumroad products to bring down our companies rending costs by 95%.  To be able to turn around a Walkthrough in 1 week with blender and a render farm service.  If it works out we save about 15,000usd in landing a client. My friend gains 15,000usd worth of portfolio he can sell and my proof of concept would allow us to migrate to blender and freeCAD so we can afford 22″ dual screens and Ryzen 5 PCs for the technical (who ar working with 19″ screens and old pcs 2016 I7s). 

There is justs so much GROWTH possible and our competition are not LEAN, they are BLOATED and drunk. Money that would have gone to salaries and go to bonuses of already well to do. Technical who earn 400-500usd/mo can get better pay. I would be able to afford the Indian NextCloud Collabora Deployment and remove our dependency of Google. 

Keep our Total Cost of ownership for a 250 desktop user company’s (450 total) IT infrastructure under 500k USD a year yet have the value of a comparable companies IT infrastructure worth x4-x5 a much. 

I dont mind paying the developed world costs ONCE I’ve secured the Value Chain by which I convert developed world services into the form it would take to serve the Philippine market. A developed world person making a Tool that helps Developing world People Make their TOOLS that help other Developing world People make an easier Living is how I think of it. 

Its funny that My grasp of History, World Building, Economics are targets for the anti-intellectual or smart shaming culture that seeks to drag us down. How I think in WIN-WIN is mocked and undermined so that the Powerful can exploit more of us – when we’re All supposed to be shared in the power to uplift us. 

They will always find someone to undermine a good cause. Would we all be able to tell they seek to create a Zero-Sum market. There is so much opportunity for Win-Win and I’m the least capable in this able to see it, and there are far more credible and exceptional people who can puzzle this out. 

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