Game in the Brain Project Update, Philippine Architecture Industry

  I switched from the GSUITES Basic to Google Workspace Business Starter which has less features than GSUITES Basic. I dont know when I set it up to be yearly. So I paid 50usd for it and expect to pay a bit more eventually. 

It was an necessary expense to secure all the project data and have multiple users in the account as the work has grown and there needs to be a way to secure it. I honestly dont know if Game in the Brain will make money. From my business perspective and experience – I understand the survivorship bias of seeing people succeed and the many who do everything right but still do not succeed. 

To break even and so that Nicco and I can have a sustainable business 

Annual Costs

  • 100usd a year for the Gworkspace.  Just making 100usd a year would cover the cost of Google Workspace.
    • Note that in the Philippines, while a professional with experience earns about 400-500usd/mo  
      • internet about 30 usd a month per source. mobile sources being the more expensive per gb. 
      •  room and board is 80-200usd a month. 
      • Transportation was easily 80-200usd a month as well.
      • food can be 80-200usd per month.. 
      • basic needs (toiletries, supplies, change of clothes, repairs, shows, ) can equally be as expensive per month. 40-100. 
      • no recreation and the expenses that come with recreation (food, transpo, internet etc..)
    • So in the Philipines we dont have as much disposable income and most disposable income we generate is trading independence for favors by living with parents, relatives, and friends. which makes it also uncertain when we may end up losing time to make up a cost expense. my analysis in a Developing Country we are less able to substitute Money to Buy Time. We usually pay for TIME for everything and thus have less Time opportunity to improve our quality of life.    
  • 80-100usd per week at 45 weeks per year for 3,600usd-4,500usd of projects and jobs. this is just if we are making Books and Blender files and Art. 
  •  if we are going to make some programed spreadsheets around the same amount. 3600-4500usd. Hopefully it would be HAXE, OpenFL, and other such tools like Watabou. 
So how we approach costs. 
  • I take no salary from this, what ever I’ve made just goes into the team. 
  • I pay for the hour x a freelance multipler. I pay all the costs up front. I take the risks because I have a more full time job in my family Biz as IT and Plant Head (making about less than 2000usd/mo to support a family of 4) 
To make 3600usd, that means 6000usd of sales per year or 600 10usd books. I dont think I can sell that much. Even if Nicco and I would create the Presentation with OBS and present the material we used as well as the Demos. Which would be about 4 weeks of work.   
The Gamer OJTs. So I have a couple of OJTS who want to go into Gaming. So I’m going to have them research Haxe, OpenFL, and away3d aka tools of Watabou just to understand how hard it was to make such a 3d set up on HTML5. Then GODOT. 
My goal here is for the Family Biz (construction and manufacturing) can just mak simple 3d of Offices we’ve done and walk throughs. Its not meant to be realistic render but a sense of space. 
So most of our living can come from the 3d Jobs, a skillset I’ve neglected because I need to focus on IT and LEAN and other engineering studies. 
Philippine Architectural Practice: No Files for You! 
  • In the Philippines when we moved to our 80sqm (800sqft) home we paid 40,000php (800usd which is half a months pay for me; money that doesnt go into groceries, tuition, utilities) for the rendered view of all of these. I wasnt allowed to have the FILES. which pissed the hell out of me. So I studied FreeCAD and worked with Nicco (who studied freecad as well) to make a 3d file of our 80sqm home. I paid NIcco for the hours he spent studying it. We bother studied it and taught each other what we learned it has been a very enlightening technique ever since. 
  • I can confidently make our home if I had 4 hours to do it and x2 because I get distracted with other stuff like writing these things and updating my notes. But uninterrupted hours is what I am short off as I am an Adult. Even at work. 
  • Anyway Nicco and I were like – you ask us to render and we give  you the files. You pay us for the output materials and you can keep the files for your own re-rendering and your own uses. 
The GM’s Day sale – missed it because all my money went into my projects. 

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