Hex maps with Inkscape and Hexmap extension Copyright 2008-2020 Pelle Nilsson and contributors
1) Download Inkscape (if you don’t already have it)
2) Download the Hex Map Extension in Git Hub
2) Download the Hex Map Extension in Git Hub
3) Go to Preferences – either go to Edit > Preferences (very bottom) or Shift+Ctr+P
4) In Preferences look for where Extensions can be Found.
5) Unzip Hex Map Extensions and copy hexmap.py hexmap.inx to /home/user-name/.config/inkscape/extensions (drag and drop works)
6) Shut down and relaunch Inkscape
7) In Extension > Board Game > Create Hexmaps
- Mine was buggy, Stroke 0.01 had to be re-encoded to preview. otherwise it disappears. 0.1 inch is just too thick. So after I played around with the settings, I had to retype 0.01 and the grid appears and press apply.
- Add Columns and Rows as Needed.
- Drag and Select Everything and Manually Center.
A2 Hex Grid
2ft x 3ft (24in x 36in) Hex Grid 1-inch hex I got quoted 4usd plus 2usd delivery for this. Hope to get it Printed on Monday. I can always have it cut so I can fit in a small table.
2ft x 3ft (24in x 36in) Hex Grid 1-inch hex I got quoted 4usd plus 2usd delivery for this. Hope to get it Printed on Monday. I can always have it cut so I can fit in a small table.
I currently use Cepheus Engine basic combat for just pure combat games.
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