So I set up a 5usd/month budget for students (On the Job Trainees, OJTs) in our company so they can make Minecraft, WordPress, or NextCloud Servers. This will about 0.02 USD per hour servers and up. Even if its 0.2 USD per hour the experience is invaluable.
The Philippines is about 40% below the poverty line and at subsistence living, and about a tiny Middle class of about 5-10%. Our Gini coefficient is really bad. Credit card access is very rare and usually quickly misused and unmanaged. Giving the kids access to GCP is a big deal in their learning.
It would benefit more fo the company to give them access to our Cloud Platform in Cloud Sigma but thats outside my department and adminstrively tediuous. With GCP I just set a budget and then I asked them to make a Minecraft server and make it work or Make a WordPress Server.
Whats so strange is that the Skills being taught to students, like when I was a student, was about 4+ years obsolete and not cutting edge. This OJT program is meant to put them in Cutting and Bleeding edge on Industry trends as well as get them a “Racket” or a “Gig” or “Hustle” while college and be able to start working or knowing how to find work and justify their pay.
Its so weird of me to do this, because I believe this is what schools should be doing and I discovered the intense bureacracy and conflict of intrests schools have in their lessons plans. Like when SAP pays schools to teach sap when Open Source Code and Platforms should be the topic to reduce the Total Cost of Ownership to the CLient and these Kids may be getting that from my Business and not from the School.
Its sad and strange.
Id rather them use Google because at least with Google Appscript and their platforms use more open source and this allows them to easily transition.
Its just so weird how 250php or 5usd a month can change their life. Its just dumb how people are trapped in bad systems and its my frugal methods – and open source that allows me to discover something cheap and free to change their life when people are so trained in getting a dopamine rush spending instead of going cheap, scrappy, and used because thats what is sustainable for them.
HOW many time I had to reitterate to students – Pay as you go, dont get suckered in to deals where you pay now in hopes that they will deliver. That there is a ton of scammers and you will find someone who will agree to a deal which allows you to pay per deliverables. Its the building of trust where we build networks and relationships.
I dont have one on one for them, I am a Director with a lot on his plate I do have 2x a week where I check on them and reiterate and give them goals they can choose to take or not. I will give them feedback on their work. thats more than anyone gets in this world, when every “manager” is too busy to give constructive feedback and problem solve.
Remembering I dont matter. that because I dont matter – I feel free to pursue what improvements I deem important to me. I dont need to justify so much, I just need to do and if it fails – and the kids may not use this opportunity.
I cannot use coercion on the Kids. if they want that in their life, they have to look for that in their future employer. If they cannot act on information on a Win Win system then thats their personal choice. Telling them the truth, telling them they can clock in and it wont matter I will sign their accomplishment forms is ok. I wont crush their graduations by failing them in OJT if they are not performing. But they have to recognize I’m not like the other bosses and they ask pursuing a life wher eif coercion is the only way they need to get to perform – that is an unpleasant life. Its hard to wake up in the morning knowing fear and dread fuels your productivity instead of a NEW opporutnity.
Honestly I feel the same way.
I feel like I’m unhappy at work and find more happiness writing about planets and Cepheus Engine. I Have accepted my place in life where I cannot change minds. I cannot teach the plant to use Monitoring Sheets, Diligence, Problem Solving, even when I demonstrate it like a Louis Rossman Video every week. If they are set in their ways I cannot change them. If I dont matter to them – it is liberating. Its liberating because I dont have the duty on me.
I will not use Coercion because my frail health cannot sustain that much stress until I have Proctalgia Fugax at night, and lose sleep to disturbing dreams. I am a “snow flake” by how fragile I am. Thats me and I have come to accept that. My ethuziasm, my passion, and my drive is better served by what gives me happiness and joy – a good World BUilding System and Ship Building System that is hard scifi.
I only have to please that Little kid I was with all the neat things I can do now that I’m older. I deal with computers, I can understand rockets, I understand space, I am more likely understand how to undertake any complex project and execute it no matter the discipline. I can draw and used to be an artist. I can do 3d and code a bit. I only have to talk to that little kid and tell him what i can do now.
When he asks me if I help people, I can say I can, those willing to be helped. I cant make people take the help their given. They need to learn what is infront of them, to learn to appreciate their loved ones, their life, and their problems.
When my daughter gets coke not because its yummy but the expectation of yummy is quite a subtlety to learn as a parent. To see people do things thinking it MIGHT make them happy from a past experience and not proactively and consciously theorize and act on what WILL make them happy is an observation I cannot help make as a part of me is self aware of the meetings and decisions and the rationalization people make infront of me. There is part of me watching the show and seeing the nuance and the self deception and I cannot help but watch and wonder if they see my self deception.
The need to matter is an old bad habit that needs to unlearned. We only matter to loved ones. thats all that we really need. anything from strangers is futile and wishful. thats not how the world works. And wanting something from strangers are also inversely true. I know i go into Stoicism and Buddhism when I focus on the self – and the artificial constructs I put that get in my way of happiness.
I like writing about Planet and Hard scifi Ships. If I manage to successfully migrate the IT to Erpnext as well as achieve my Goal that we are a Construction and Manufacturing company where from order to delivery is within 2 weeks through IT and Integrated Management Systems. I know what it will take and barriers we will need to overcome to be that kind of company – but the biggest barrier I see is the self dehumanization that Quezon tried to eliminate by choosing to be our own people and nation – to be equal. To be worthy, to be someone that is equal to any other person on any other country and to believe in the same equality to other countries and peoples.
The biggest barrier is the mindset that seeks to make excuses to do something that takes a lot of work but achievable. It is posible to take an Order from a client for Civil or ENgineering works, process it in less than 3 days to be implemented/delivered and started by 14 days on average. its possible – we see it as I propose to remove the INTERNALLY NEGOTIATED deadlines which is an internal lie of our performance. It is possible when we see to really talk about problems instead of always delaying and pushing it back.
To have that EQ – and maturity to talk about problems and make personal changes that we all WIN WIN is what I believe I can do Only if the other party believe in it as well. And if that never happens – I will be happy raising my family and writing about the stars and ships, and using the same skills that Will turn my company around is used in Games.
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