Average salaries here is about 400usd for a 10 year work experienced skilled physical worker and about 10-20% more office worker with a degree and specialization. That transaltes to 5,200usd a year quite easily because in the Philippines hiring and regularization has severance or redundancy pay (equal to a about a month of salary per year with the company – apportioned).
That means if we hire someone they have to DIRECTLY or indirectly-but-measurably affect a Pay Off. That being our ability to sell and manufacture-construct goods and services related to construction facilities and furniture.
Talk to a Gamer and talk to a regular person. A regular person and a regular business would have these assumptions and only discover if it works and apply controlls from the apperance of AGGREGATE BEHAVIOR and of course Accounting Reports. To a Gamer – to someone who grew up in the age of Computer Games and TRPGs – and is obsessed about its principles – the Appearance of aggregate behavior is not enough. We need our Dashboard of Stats and KPI. We need the link between metrics and outcome.
5200usd per year has to have a measurable outcome! In a small company its easy since there are fewer factors, but once we are 10+ people and every exponential increase (even fractional exponent). that 5200usd is not even the only costs, a company has Regulatory, IT and Infra costs.
Is every action, and every provision (or investment for the capability to perform an action) is understood as to how it leads towards the Payoff. Will the Action sustain the company?
Virtous Cycles and Life. A biological organism performs actions to sustain its life. so will a commercial or sociological organism. Higher levels of satisfaction and purposes for me serve to give additional context on our essential purpose of sustaining ourselves.
Right now I’m at my maximum carrying capacity of context and there is so much uncertainty thus I cannot commit the company to regular employees BUT temporary commitments I can directly relate to a Pay-off.
It is an expectation of a Gamer or a modern knowledge worker to see everything as to be able to make a decision. THis means all the processes, workings, and internal make up of an organization – the Processes – need to be visible and at a substantial expenditure of overhead that it takes less and less time for us to understand as the processes gain more EXPLICIT CONTEXT as to be understood by all.
Payoffs is a Latest framing of the problem. You can say Quality and Requirements Management are seperate from Payoffs – as in Pay Offs we study and create definitions and concepts that helps us understand the relationship of what we do to what we are going to get. If we are getting Money, Satisfaction, A Tool, the Provision*, etc…
*the investment to have the capability.
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