One of the most helpful techniques for dealing with project uncertainty is imagining the critical path or chain. Critical path or chain means imagining actions as a sequence that needs to occur before the other can occur. You have to know what to write, before you can begin to write. You have to know the client’s order before you can process the order. At its simplest, the critical path is all the mandatory dependencies or deliverables that need to happen in a sequence. A more complicated but more efficient setup is a critical chain where you imagine all the activities and try to do them in parallel and what additional resources one employs to ensure the critical activity is completed on time and within budget.
Once you grasp the critical path and chain as it relates to Project Management and Uncertainty (and how many actions manage uncertainty), we begin to see the diminishing returns of resources employed.
When no additional resources can be applied efficiently, holding a reserve is more cost-efficient – then whatever is in reserve that is a service capable can experiment with opportunities within the uncertainty.
Every uncertainty means – people dont know why they cannot control or predict its outcome. To know is an opportunity.
To put it – when you’ve allocated your resources efficiently, you will always have a reserve. This reserve is used to think, experiment, rethink, and add new information and context to the situation.
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