Rubber Duck Debugging is a Parallel Process

The skillset to learn anything, to fix devices, to build worlds, tackle problems – occupies so much head space that it has to be modified to be a way to being someone and running a business. 
Scott & Nate Wadsworth (Essential Craftsman) and Louise Rossmans channels are interesting Overlaps. 
I dont know if anyone noticed how Louise Rossman and Scott Wadsworth works in a way is called “Rubber Duck Debugging” Its when you talk through the task as second nature – the reason behind it initally was to create documentation for code. It has evolved to become more than that – its to make your thinking checkable – its to slow down the thought as to see its errors. 
it reminds me of ECC RAM – it has parallel processes to check against errors. Its slower but it shrinks the REWORK and error rate. It has a better Learning Curve. the trade off is SPeed for lower technical debt – thus gaining more time (becaus technical debt impacts your time as problems come back to be paid down).  
you save a lot of time identifying the errors easily and correcting them as you go. getting to the position to take time is difficult and a privilage. Its only then you can lower your techncial debt and thus not acquire large compounding interest. 
Only people like me – too slow and dumb would develop Talking to myself through the task. Too dumb and anxious to perform the task, that we need to talk to ourselves through it. a coping technique that allows us to check our work. 
Someone smarter would be able to do the task at x2+ faster but would be unable to share how they did it. Thats how the brain works, if you can do it fast then do it. It will not come up with coping mechanisms unless it has a need for it. 

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