This is so that you can put Outlines in your PDF – I used it for updating my Drivethrupg Mneme Variant combat Rules.
##Go to and go to Download and click on the release Pages for the latest version download source code
##Unzip or Extract the source code and open the terminal in the folder
#In Terminal:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
## Take note of Building and because you will really have to Install the libraries from the following cairo, fontconfig, FreeType2, GLib, Pango, gettext, CMake, and Unicode blocks.
$ sudo apt install cmake
$ sudo apt-get install fontconfig
$ git clone
$ sudo apt install pangocairo
$ sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libpango1.0-dev
## Check the error code and simply google the errors- select the text and then google the error for the correct library installation command.
## Open this link: Right Click n the page > Save As > Save in same Folder of Build
## make sure blocks.txt is in same folder
$ cmake .. -DUNICODE_BLOCKS=/Blocks.txt
$ make
$ make install
## On terminal type pdfoutline you will be given the format for outline creation found in
210805 Variant Combat Rules Outline
##recommend the following use a spreadsheet to separate the Outline columns – Levels and Pages and Outline text. Replace spaces with underscore.
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