Updated and Added more Free Stuff to Mneme Variant Combat Rules
Nicco and I Added the Career Cards. These are a 2-letter-sized page spread flow chart of each career (only Barbarian, Drifter, Rogue, Mercenary, Army, and Marine). Plus notes of basic Easy Fixes on Cepheus Engine Character Creation that would make it easier to teach for new players.
Feel Free to give us Feedback here so we can learn and improve the products.
Trade Code
Animals-0, Farming-0, Broker-0
Asteroid, Vacuum
Zero-G-0, Survival-0, Mechanics-0
Desert, Barren
Survival-0, Vehicle-0, Zero-G-0
Fluid Oceans
Watercraft-0, Mechanics-0, Survival-0
Animals-0, Farming-0, Survival-0
High Technology
Computer-0, Electronics-0, Admin-0
High Population
Streetwise-0, Linguistics-1, Carousing-0
Zero-G-0, Survival-0, Vehicle-0
Broker-0, Mechanics-0, Electronics-0
Low Technology
Survival-0, Farming-0, Animals-0
Survival-0, Streetwise-0, Farming-0
Carousing-0, Liaison-0, Steward-0
Gass Giants
Aircraft-0, Zero-G-0, Survival-0
Currently Working on a Way to allow us to Create Characters in a way that it serves as the Entire Session (1-3 hours) and a great way to hang out with friends. Wish us luck!
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