I enjoy the Business (Biz) Ops part of Traveller Games

I’d like to share:

I know a few people enjoy the Biz Ops of a Traveller game. 

When I play with my gaming group, Role-Playing a Ship business without internal unnecessary conflicts, politics, intrigue or personality conflicts is my FAVORITE way of being unrealistic in a TRPG.

 Setting up pretend management reviews (a term in ISO 9001)  for the Team to decide on upgrades, purchases, and strategy is SOO much more fun than the real live version – and when everyone has fun in a TRPG version of the real deal – it makes me remember what was supposed to be the purpose of such meetings – its to get everyone’s input before high impact decisions are made.

Deciding what to do with an influx of cash (PRIZE funds from a captured pirate ship in the game) in the real world is a big biz decision. Any time a company can afford to change its strategy and direction is both a time to celebrate and to look at the Technical Debt and buy it down. 

Especially when the Cash doesn’t come with strings!

Especially when everyone gets to apply their armchair strategic skills – knowing every action is an action that narrows the other possible options. And because its a game we can always Pull away when we’re thick in the weeds! And then unlike real life there is a GM/Ref who says “reality is like this” and it just ends the argument by injecting PERFECT information. 

Knowing how the Ideal Mgt Review and Strategic Planning is SUPPOSED TO BE if there were no ego, personality conflicts, intrigue, and mistrust make me less stressed in the real deal. It helps me see better what the necessary conflict creates and decide if the trade-off of giving away trust and the risks are worth it. 

Conditional Formatting and using Inbetween Sessions to Decide. Easier for the GM 

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