One of the thigns that Interrupt my meditation is the Cost benefit analysis.
I can afford this 7500php (200usd) 5000 PassMark computer. I could probably afford to buy one every other year (spending 4000 a year) given my 16k USD per year salary.
- Would it be better that I just buy these PCs instead. Looking for a i5-6590 every 2 years?
- What does that mean if I BUY Modern PCs stuff like the Ryzen 3 3200G?
- If my peso now is more valuable than my Peso in the Future does that means advancing so many PESO’s/Cash to “Locked in the Value” of a rapidly depreciating PC a good investment of money?
- I realize that If the MONEY i lock up in a PC givs me Skills and Capabilities and Accomplishments that RAISES my value – Cutting Edge/Modern Equipment Investment is Worthwhile.
- Let’s say I got Own/NextCLoud to run in 1 year, the investment in the Modern Equipment, raised my “income-generating” ability. Lets say for simplicity I increased to 16.5k USD per year? was the 600usd worthwhile, give 500usd Increase goes on the next years?
- If I don’t have a PLan, then maybe I should hold off and learn to reduce my expectations – to fast (controlled starvation and conservation of resources). If I have a plan then I discuss with my support group my plan and if will work.
Bottom line is that. The PRODUCTIVE equipment we get is worthwhile if the Accomplishments we gain from ti will raise our ability to be more secure in our income and livelihood. We look at the OUTCOME and output of building a Home Server, Data center, NAS, etc… and what that means in the Philippine market.
And in the Philippine market, how many manhours do I save with various IT systems or What opportunities do I open up for the end users of my skills.
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