Obviously given how Naive I am, my internal rhetoric is not “Save Money”. My internal rhetoric is: “I am setting ERPNext to help people Work From Home and to be able to Let anyone who needs the skills have what I know to help themselves set it up for their own use.”
As my wife, who is in Investment Finance, puts it that’s “Bullshit”. Thats the Bullshit my father espouses that has lead us down the path that made the business lose money and struggle. I get the Idealism and “High Minded” from my father’s rhetoric which I’m not sure he actually believes. I am both disgusted by Ivory Tower sagery at the same time have a terrible habit of sounding like them.
Mom’s practical concerns of Operations is what saved the company from going down the drain. I know 6 Million Pesos a Year or 120K USD saves 60 employees. I know how mom’s practical concerns translate to in lives and stories. I know how my ERPNext project translates to the 40% of our workforce who can not AFFORD to take the risks braving the dangers of the Pandemic to work in the office.
One of the most striking things about Accounting is that you cannot measure a Business purely by Cost – because the cheapest option is not to operate at ALL, and that Revenue vs Cost is one of MANY multi-factor analysis done in business.
Its sad to realize that I drink what is Rhetoric and ideals, and cannot ground myself in practical realities. That what fuels me to live is a Luxury and Naivety and many will argue does not really matter.
Its like asking a human to live on bread alone and be happy with a diet and mindset millennia of evolution has not programmed us to survive in.
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