So much is a working memory problem: its really the ability to drill down deep and break down the problem into components.
It costs attention to do the following:
- Define and use Epistemological and Platonic Tools to DEFINE and breakdown elements of the problem.
- …to HOLD the model in its various shifting forms of the idea in our head
- …to remember that I can google every component, which I have applied thinking techniques. It takes attention to recall Keyword Hueristics and Search engine Techinques.
- …to consolidate the problem and its components to to see the Big Picture (it was covered in KONDOMARIE technique to do the same we do in any biz Analysis or QA engineering problem).
- …to REMEMBER to take good notes,
- use 5Y, 5W, and various other Socratic Techniques while Holding the Problem in ones mind.
- VIRTUALIZE the perspective of another Person – like another stakeholder. to virtualize our Mentors and the Voices who would always give us advice and knowledge.
- …to not be frustrated, to not give in to dark unkind voices we have learned in our imperfect upbringing. Our Patience for ourselves and others involved in this problem takes Attention.
- …to use Cognitive Behavioral Techniques, Memory techniques, and Framing Techniques to manage our emotions and slow down the problem so we can take it with our remaining working memory,
Every ACTION takes up working memory and the energy = our patience for ourselves to handle the problem and keep calm. Then when we run out of Working Memory the frustration and the darkness just breaks through all the guards and controls.
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