Understanding Computers – they are and probably will be blackboxes

 What is Virtualization? It’s pretty much running a computer within a computer by simulating the circumstances that would make a computer think it has what it needs to run.

A computer is a process (hence processor) if you imagine it like a flow chart it is a process nested in a process when you produce work and within it is nested all these other processes. Fractally (means appears the same in different levels; but here I mean you see a process in different levels) you can zoom out or you can zoom in and you will see another set of processes within a process.

When I think of Scifi I remember how simple our use of a computer or how it was a person. Now we make apps think it’s in a computer that is in a computer that may be in another computer.

The Computer is Still a Blackbox

When I started using Ubuntu desktop instead of servers their only difference is the GUI and the reason why we use “headless” or GUI-less versions is for lightness and reducing the complexity so it would run more predictably. But new people to servers need the gui and we need the added complexity of syntax and documentation to navigate the complexity of processes.

  • In any Level of Complexity in a Computer anyone interacting with it only understands a few levels out of tens or hundreds
  • The PC is still something inherently unpredictable, most of the time we gloss over all the steps we take to get something working and all the lapses that happens. In the complexity of all this, it takes slow, tedious, documentation to make sure the HUMAN in the equation does not miss a step. 
  • After the Processes and the Instructions, a lot of people with the ability to set up their computer to play games have the ability to do complex IT administration tasks. 
  • I don’t like boasting about it being too “Complex” = SMART. I these days often describe IT as TEDIUM or tedious – it takes patience, kindness, and attention to get something to work more than Intelligence. I’d rather the more malleable and adaptive ability of empathy and awareness. 

That in its core a cpu is a black box we do not truly understand but can do somethings a trillion times without fail and some problems we can’t fully understand.

Imagine seeing that cpu you have and knowing the GUI is just there to make you better understand it. It is a factor that is optional to run some apps. 

But if I want  ERPNext to be DIY-able, accessible to people who can set up their PC for games, I have to figure out how to make sure anyone can follow the GUI or the code to be able to have an app that can help them work from home.

To master all this I need a VM a virtual machine to make a lot of servers without the wasted effort of pulling out hardware and plugging it back in. right now my Optilex 3010 i3-4150 series with Kingston 1600Mhz 8GB Ram and old Kingston 120GB SSD will have to do (3300 passmark, 2000 single threaded). 

I could imagine what I could do with 50k php (1k usd) ryzen 5 3600 (15000 passmark cpu, 2500 per single thread) PC and good internet or an IT friend support group can teach you more than school can ever teach you about system admin.

That if I had the fulltime job of documenting and teaching I could distill my meager knowledge with such a machine in about 100 hours and make someone catch up to me lolz. This doesnt include the electrical and hardware knowledge. 

And to think people think I’m IT lolz when giants exist lolz. It’s like I’m an eldrich knight at 3rd level and I have wizards for friends lolz.

Doing servers brings me back when I was 14 and I learned dos commands. Wonder if my son will have the patience. 

Vms are great cantrips that allow people to accelerate their computer skills by allowing them to make an entire office in just their computer lolz. It’s all free and accessible – strangely Filipinos love gatekeeping and I cannot get past our crab mentality.

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