TL9 Exo Skeletons and Spare Part Grades

 So from my background in Construction and manufacturing, as a Safety Officer, and Quality Management officer, as well as inspiration from Seveneves and Delta V I’ve come to the conclusion that the best incentive for Exo-skeletons to Augment Physical labor is from the demands of making every human as productive as possible in the Early Years of Space Infra development. 

The Skyhooks, the Space Stations, the Shipyards, the Artificial Habitats will all depend more on the Humans who are more resilient to radiation and able to take initiative when disconnected from a master control system. Like the author of Delta-V Daniel Suarez I agree that living in Cis-Lunar Space is its own Industrial Revolution with very Strange and counter Intuitive elements. There are odds that we may not develop good robots in time and that the faction who will Pioneer Space is those who can keep a healthy, thriving, and competent work force there. 

Exo Skeletons begin with basic Assist uses, but then begin to Extend to more enhancements until EMU’s begin to look like Yellow Gorillas dancing in the shipyard magically putting together vessels and habitats.  


YEAR (AD) 2200 2200 2200 2200
ITEM NAME Crew Vacc Suit ExtraVehicular Mobility Unit Assist Exoskeleton Heavy Exoskeleton
DESCRIPTION This is the standard Basic Vacc Suit Worn inside a Ship, Vessel, or Station in case of a breach and emergency. This is the standard Work Suit for heavy labor conducted in space. Ships, Stations, and any Space Infrastructure is expected to have many of these for any maintenance, emergency or construction task. The exo skeleton built into this suit allows it to generate 1200 Watts of work for it battery life for 100Watts of effort. The resistance of the Crew Vacc Suit reduces the work output of a 300 watt human to 200 watts. This subsidizes or assists the humans so they can perform the full 300 watt output for the battery life of the exo-skeleton. This allows the users to generate full 1000 Watts of work with 100 Watts of effort.
DERIVED FROM Advanced Crew Escape Suit Extravehicular Mobility Unit
MANUFACTURE Open Source any Fabrication System TL9 2100 models or older can manufacture the Grade+3 Spare Parts. Open Source any Fabrication System TL9 2100 models or older can manufacture the Grade+4 Spare Parts. Spare parts are 60metric tons per 1dton (4metric tons per 1 cubic meter). Open Source any Fabrication System TL9 2100 models or older can manufacture the Grade+3 Spare Parts. Open Source any Fabrication System TL9 2100 models or older can manufacture the Grade+3 Spare Parts.
FUNCTION Intra-vehicular activity (IVA) as secondary protection incase of Life support failure, limited EVA 1 day. This is used to Work Inside the Non-Rotating/Non-Gravity section of the ship (Which is 80-90% of the ship). Crew is expected to wear this the whole time they are outside Grav Habitat. (While in the Artificial Gravity, they wear a TL9 Body-Fit Vacc Suit 2200 model (5-10kg including its helmet; only meant to minimize Pressure Sickness, and survive an hour at most in Pure vacuum – as its pressure management systems fail) in case of Habitat Hull breach or destruction. Work in Vaccum for Long Periods, even in extreme periods of work where the worker is in the suit for 40-80 hours. The life support section allows the wearer to curl up in Zero Grav and self-comfort. It’s been designed to allow for herculean tasks and these tasks tend to be called for. Provides 1200 Watts of Work (for the duration of the Battery) at a level of effort fo 100 Watts (+1100 Watts Asssitance). Assist in Movement in Pressurized Crew VaccSuit. Adds 200 Watts of assistive Work Strength. Assist in Movement in Pressurized Crew VaccSuit. Adds 800 Watts of assistive Work Strength.
Life Support Expected to be from the Vehicle. Backup Life Support: 10 hours (trained Spacers can reduce their life support demands to a day; this 10 hours is meant for heavy exertion). But Safety standards and protocol considers ExtraVehicular Work in this suit as Emergency Work and sets a safety limit of 4 hours. 40 man-hours of heavy exertion 80 man-hours for light. Can be serviced and supplied in a Vacuum. NA NA
Powered Life 20 hours. 40 hours with powered movement. Unlimited with a power tether 20 hours 10 hours
Work Output (WATTS) -100 Watts of Work. (loss from the resistance of the pressurized suit) +1100 Watts of Work (so 100 Watts of Effort equals 1200 Watts), -400 Watts unpowered. +200 Watts of Work. -50 Watts unpowered. +800 Watts of Work.-200 Watts Unpowered.
PRESURE Near Full Full NA NA
Operating Pressure: 0.8 Atmosphere, 81.06kPA, 11.7 psi (see Altitude sickness and decompression sickness) 101 kPa (14.69 psi) or 1 Atmosphere of pressure. NA NA
Work in 1G considered under a load of 40kg (10kg of work to move, and 30kg for the weight of it) working in a pressurized suit in 1G. considered under a load of 12kg Powered and 90kg Unpowered working in a pressurized suit in 1G. (combination of resistance of the limbs, its mass, even if it can struturally stand on its own).
Maintenance 7 hours of use requires 10 mins of servicing 40 hours of use requires 10 mins of servicing. 40 hours of use requires 10 mins of servicing. 40 hours of use requires 10 mins of servicing.
Work-Life 5 years or 60 months of use and replacement parts is as though you bought a whole new Suit. 3.5KCr / 60 months = 60Cr per month of maintenance. Not counting the Life support Consumables at 2Cr per Man Day. 10 years or 120 months of use and replacement parts is as though you bought a whole new Suit. 16KCr / 120 months = 135Cr per month of maintenance. Not counting the Life support Consumables at 2Cr per Man Day.
TOTAL WEIGHT 30.0 kg 60.0 kg 10.0 kg 30.0 kg
TOTAL COST $3,500 $16,000 $1,500 $4,500
Life Support Weight 20.0 kg 20.0 kg
Life Support Cost $3,000.00 $10,000.00
Life Support Parts Grade+3 (150Cr per Kg) Grade+4 (500Cr per Kg)
Wearer Weight 60-100 kg 60-120 kg 60-100 kg 60-100 kg
Suit without Lifesupport 10.0 kg 40.0 kg 10.0 kg 30.0 kg
Suit without Life Suppor Cost $500.00 $6,000.00 $1,500.00 $4,500.00
Suit Parts Grade+2 (50Cr per KG) Grade+3 (150Cr per Kg) Grade+3 (150Cr per Kg) Grade+3 (150Cr per Kg)
Notes Extra Suits are expected for Redundancy and Spare. Vacc Tape is used to patch it up. Special Use: Exercise Rig – for long extended periods of time, the suit can be programmed to allow for exercise by giving resistance to various motions. Special Use: Exercise Rig – for long extended periods of time, the suit can be programmed to allow for exercise by giving resistance to various motions. Reduced Life Support Space. The life support has to be stripped down to allow for the Drives and power Pack. Life Support is reduced to 3 hours.
Special Use: Exercise Rig – for long extended periods of time, the suit can be programmed to allow for exercise by giving resistance to various motions.
BLOG TL9 Basic Crew Vacc Suit 2200 TL9 EMU Suit and its PSD File and Stats
PSD 200904_TL9_crew_vacc_suit_2200_.psd 200903_ExtraVehicular_Mobility_Unit_TL9_2200.psd 200912_TL9_crew_vacc_suit_with_assist_exo_2200.psd 200912_TL9_crew_vacc_suit_with_heavy_exo_2200.psd

How Parts Work

I stopped using the word “Quality” because in Quality Management and Engineering it means something else. As wel get more Technical, its better to use the Term GRADE (from PMBOK)
Simplifying everything to Type or Category, Their Mass and Volume (in Bulk) and Their Cost. I used a simple exponent of 3. 3x more and 1/3 less per level. 

Types could be: Life Support, Machinery, Drives, Computing, Etc… 
Grades Increase the Cost per Kg of a Certain Type of parts. 


100KCr per 14 cubic meters. 14 cubic meters at 2.7tons = 37.8 tons of aluminum in 14 cubic meters. Lets Half that 
Aluminum is 2.7metric tons per 1 cubic meter. Lets put Spare Parts mixed it with packaging, ceramics (which have a lower density), and polymers. 
Lets put Spare Parts at roughly 20 metric tons in 14 cubic meters. 
So lets set a price per KG. Grade+0 is at 5Cr. 20,000KG = 100,000Cr. 
So Spare parts or Commodity parts at Grade+0 = 5Cr per 1KG. 100KCr for 20 metric tons (14 cubic meters). 

  1. Grade+0 Spare parts are 5Cr per Kg of spare parts for Grade+0. 100KCr per 1dTon 20 metric tons of mass.  
  2. Grade+1 Spare parts 15Cr per Kg. or 300KCr per dton/14cu.m.
  3. Grade+2 Spare parts  50Cr per Kg. or 1MCr per dton/14cu.m.
  4. Grade+3 Spare parts for the Life Support and Tech at 150Cr per Kg. or 3MCr per dton/14cu.m.
  5. Grade+4 Spare Parts for Life support and Tech at 500Cr per Kg. or 10MCr per dton/14cu.m.
  6. Grade+5 Spare Parts at 1.5KCr per Kg. (x20,000 to get the per dton/14cu.m)
  7. Grade+6 Spare Parts at 5KCr per Kg. (x20,000 to get the per dton/14cu.m)
The GM can make inferences and expert judgment of what a Grade of parts can do. Take any of the “Trade” details you see in Traveller (GURPS, Mongoose, Classic, Mega) and apply the rational of Grades and you can have some more variance. 

Grade of parts 

Grade of Workshops/Workstations.  

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