I know I’m not that systematic. There is uncertainty and poorly thought out imperssion in my mind in trying something new. We have a finite amount of time to check and examine our surroundings because we have to JUMP right in and prevent our emotions – our passions from cooling when we undertake a new endeavor.
So as I learned ERPNext I found their Prerequisite Sub-section in their documentation really helpful. As I learned ERPNext I always get tangled up by the prerequisites. I was just uploading Items from our OLD Purchasing System to ERPNext (which I hope to be our NEW Purchasing System) and I didn’t know that despite ERPNexts 230 Units of Measurement I needed to about 30 more from our OLD purchasing system.
Taking a break right now with ERPNext. I wanted to configure the PO (Purchase Order) system, which lead me to updating the Departments, updating the Fields of the PO, uploading our Purchase Requests, discovering that we had work around because of limited licenses which put departments instead of people, the system will look for people and not departments, because ERPNext is free I can fix that but I have to figure out a workaround, I uploaded the Items (all the types of goods and services the system should recognize) but there were some errors, I discovered I need to learn what certain terms mean, why is there a PO line Item reference within the PO? How does the system link and track these things… etc… 4-5 hours of discovering a NEW thing and realizing I need it before I can move on as I attempt to do something as simple as create a Purchase Order.
In a Passion I want to work on: Blender I realize my main prerequisites are the following:
- The END is Modeling Ships, and Equipment and Characters like the prolific modeler in Traveller RPG FB group William Byrd
- Lets just Focus on Ship.
- My main problem with ships right now its Texture.
- I have to research UVMapping and Freestyle (the addon that puts drawing lines)
- I have to try the many techniques online that may be found.
- What technique works has a lot of Preparation involved.
- I have to figure out how to systematize the Preparation.
- I research again and discover a narrower group of techniques or a common practice. It involves some tedium that takes up a lot of time.
- I figure out some of this and I document this.
- Next is the Scene and the Setup.
- I hit a bottleneck when my old 2009 computer or my work laptop cannot perform some of the calculations.
- I withdraw and reassess my strategy. I google and look for another way to do it.
- If any of the experiments takes more than 2-3 hours to set up I have to shelve it and try again in another week becomes of the company emergency.
- I try again taking 1-2 hours to remember where I was last.
- I overcome the bottleneck by breakdown the work into smaller chunks.
- But now this method is not compatible with my prep regarding the UVMapping. I take a step back and restudy what I can do instead. I spend a week googling and watching videos.
- I hit a dead end and try to do the tedium instead. It works but with tiny wins.
- I now have to re-imagine and remap my strategy.
- I’m now planning to do the Tedium of creating the UV and Freestyle system for my ship.
- Now I need to build a ship. But I want TL9. I want large bulky ships that meet Atomic Rockets standards and transport craft that can reused to Low orbit. I basically have to plan what I’m going to make now that I have some Idea how to make it.
- Then I go through several Drafts and Versions of what I’m going to do. I will borrow and steal inspirations and Ideas to get it off and running.
- I have a small ship. that’s easy, that requires very little planning.
- next is the Main ship, with the Delta-V to travel 2-3 AU and JUMP to the next system 1 light year or 3 light years.
- I begin planning and reviewing Torus and Children of a Dead Earth. I review GURPS and other materials.
- I do a GURPS set of calculations and kinda plan out from back of the envelope what I want.
- I encounter Logistical Problems: Spare parts, mass, Delta V and the Travel. The Different Solar Orbits of the Different Stars need to be a bit mapped. Too tired I figure out some handwaves that would be easy to remove when I can figure out the orbital calculations.
- The ship model takes many attempts. Most frustrating is the scale and processing bottleneck.
- I have to be patient and try not to get too excited to use FreeStyle and JUMP into Textures. I have to plan my textures…
- Etc….(about 60 and we have some prototypes and a house of Cards of techniques and notes that will collapse as distractions and problems compete for attention).
etc… sorry it goes on like this. I have such limited natural ability and attention that everything is these new challenges after another. With no one to delegate or share I burn out as it gets more complex.
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