The more experience I have with the time of motion of people – the more I realize that people have their own pace. As well as people need structure – like a procedure where they don’t have to “improvise” decisions. It reduces the amount of decision making they have – because a procedure has pre-decided certain things.
There are Safety and Ease of mind with a well designed standard procedure.
One of the things I got into the Engineering aspect of my work as a Gamer is Min-maxing Hours: RUSHING never helps, rushing is sacrificing attention for care. Its in the Subtlety of Education, Hands-on-Experience, and Professionalism where Care or Thoughtfulness is TANGIBLE. that it is REAL to that person and they know how to prove it. There are people where it is not real. Clients who are not technically savvy or people who do not have the education to grasp concepts outside their area of expertise – the ability to VERIFY facts through inference, reason, and logic.
Urgency is not Rushing – it’s being Aware of Priorities. Its being aware the goals are poorly worded, not SMART, or fails to consider major constraints. Urgency is knowing your priorities and updating the Plan as Factors change (and you learn of these factors). Urgency is the Presence of mind – Presence of mind can be a Tense body language, someone making themselves slow down, someone tapping their feet a Tell arise or allowing a self-comforting behavior take on their silhouette.
When I was young: urgency is Fear, me being Tense, as I got older Urgency became my notebook and reviewing goals and factors. Writing furiously and repeating keywords over and over again in my notes. Realizing that my notes dont make sense and repeating my line of questioning – framing the interview as to ACTIONs and Criteria. As I got more coping mechanisms – urgency is breathing and meditating. Is allowing my conditioned response to execute and I review my thoughts and actions. My goal is to be very much present in the situation over time.
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