Methods and Trade-offs.

Capitalism doesn’t “work” and communism and socialism doesn’t work. the way walking, running, swimming, or climbing “work” from getting someplace. 

A method has trade-offs. Communism, socialism, etc.. have trade-offs that need to be overcome. Communism in Post Czarist Russia did not solve the tendency to accumulate power and wealth when you give the state the ability to seize property. The way many welfare systems and Gov’t have corruption – you cannot simply “Will” that people will exploit any system. you need to be able to honestly talk about and work out the problems. Ignoring it or “willing it” to be gone does not work, a system exists when particular forces are in play and interact.

Getting to where you want to go is not about the ONe medium of Travel. We walk to public transportation, we have multiple mediums of transportation, before arriving to said goal. We may need capitalism to start out with, then some socialism, and when we have a REALLY GOOD Feedback mechanism of hearing and listening to people then maybe its possible to have a little communism as exceptions to some things.  

Communism – sounds great in theory – it works when Organizations can be move as “nimbly” as an Individual, responding to Stimulus and Changes instantly. But Organizations do not move like an Individual, it is slow and ponderous. And it can CRUSH people when it’s not careful. But we know of SWARMS like Starlings and Fish Schools that adapt brilliantly to threats and obstacles, it is possible for an organization to be nimble and respond to stimuli. For communism to work, you need what we consider a Hive mind able to communicate in great efficiency and information density to any part of the swarm.

Space exploration and getting humanity past the Climate Crisis requires Communism if we tackle it with the current resources at hand. Unless there an Organization that exists with enough resource to pursue it on its own, you will need to Consolidate resources and use a Communist system to fix Climate Change or Space Exploration.  

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