Forgiving in order to Fix Problems

If there was a time that someone will fix our government and make it more transparent – he or she would probably broker a settlement that no “blame” would be used on their past misdeeds in exchange for cooperation – surrendering power over the information. It will also include comfortably retiring the old guard.
It will be a work of compromise. Guys like me would either be probably in the biz dev trying to make the budget for the “comfortable retirement” work. People who are like my friends who are more capable negotiators and hard balls will be in the table nego, hopefully they know the goal is to get the old guard to give up power for transparency and accountability.
The people these old guards who victimized would feel terrible they got a golden parachute. For all their malice they get the reward. That they may derail negotiations for their eye for an eye.
That is a flaw of someone who wants to have a better system, you can’t have a decisive victory – change in not certain. Systems are always dynamic and changing.
The BATNA is a more transparent system – because it makes corrective action more sustainable. It’s not pretty to have flaws easily seen, not a lot of people like having a flawed projection of their character – and like the Posture of authority and sophistication – but transparency is about making mistakes and errors and failings more accessible and easier to correct.
The next evolution is people accepting more nuanced and “flawed” systems. That person would use the “devil they know” argument about democracy and in agile systems.
To know how bad a system is to know how much I’m willing to pay to fix it. That may mean forgiving or comfortably retiring or rewarding people who made the mess. Knowing how much you will pay for a better system and know you still come out ahead is the strangest application of engineering, game theory and behavioral economics.
This leads me to realize that We don’t know so much that its a small miracle that something works, despite the science and reason why it should work. That I cannot except a “decisive” victory or accomplishment – because we Dont know all the factors. That the “decisive” victory or defeat is really just some narrative bias – wanting to believe we know all the variables and factors. 
That I have to live with the uncertain – while working with science. That working with the unknown with Science is in itself a kinda religious experience. 

My studies lead me to this strange conflict that – we work with uncertainty in contrast to science. That working with uncertainty and the biases, the anecdotes, and the limited working memory or attention or perspective – makes the science and techniques we use appear like some pointless ritual. 
Like when the our Finishing area was designed with all the Cubic-Feet-per-second and HVAC calculations and we still cannot figure out why it doesn’t work, or everyday IT mysteries where something doesn’t work even when we double-checked all the factors, or something works – even we were just brute-forcing the many different ways a configuration can be tried. 
It feels like a religious experience – when working memory is pushed to its limits and my brain just cannot process the facts anymore. 
That we work with uncertainty – and will always have more unknowns than knowns will always edge towards superstition. That behavior at maxed out mental capacity is muscle memory and ritual. 

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