Anki – Brute Force Learning

Brute force is charging in without a Plan. A plan being taking 4-6 hours to arrange things and work out how these problems fit in my Anki Strategy and Mission Vision. 

Actively looking for Interference is a weird thing to do.  We are, in theory, supposed to avoid interference, but we don’t know what causes interference until we experience a mistaken answer and trigger the Leech modifier to the card. 

  • I was an Idiot and didn’t realize early that I can cancel the Suspend Automation on Leeches. I turned it off, it stills says “Leech”. 
  • I add “See Also” and “Clue” when I get a card wrong or realize all these mistaken concepts that arise when I am about to answer the card. I then EDIT it, something I couldn’t do when I was using PLECO’s cards. This is also the reason I migrated to ANKI from Pleco. 
  • I learned that if this Card can be answered by multiple Answers and Requires more specificity – then I realize the definition of the book is bad. This is a Leech waiting to happen – the Editorial Challenge of PMI was definition it Broadly enough at the expense of Differentiation that made it all sound the same. Same for the Chinese where I’m learning a lot of synonyms and lacking the context when a Synonym is appropriate is challenging. 
I got these concepts preparing for a TEST so I got the Definitions as written in the book, but if they structured the test that way I guess I’m going to FAIL because I realize the differentiation is going
I am kinda brute-forcing when I charge headlong putting in cards and NOT assessing if there is Interference. It seems I am using a Pull method – where I begin to detail the card. 
I realize weird things. 
  • Intepersonal and Team Skills (IPTS) are intertwined with meetings. I gave up differentiating them – if it calls for Meeting People then it Calls for IPTS because it is there you can use BASIC empathy to know where we are – in inertia and what are the uncertainties the crowd has that directs you to their problem.
    • I learned that I can adapt to the Audience and its better to tackle their problems than mine. 
  • Monitoring and Controlling Process Group: Monitoring and Controlling Work Process is the Super-Process where Perform Integrated Change Control is the Sub Process. 
  • That many of the activities are better categorized in their Process Group. Like Performance Reviews, Audits, are part of Monitoring and Controling Project Work. 
  • That Audits like Risk Audit, procurement Audit, and Quality Audit are part of their Respective Control Processes: Control/Manage Risk – Risk Audit, Control Procurement – Procurement Audit, Control Quality – Quality Audit, Manage Resource – Performance Audit/Review. Stuff Not in the Book. 

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