In COADE or some of these space combat mechanics (Non-Dog-Fight Mechanics) can be simplified as ONE shelling point. The GM works back from that shelling point. There are limited kinds of Schelling Point – most often its Range of Intercept (the GM prepares the problem statement and Iterates the most important point and assumptions and uncertainties).
The GM says the Schelling point/Event Horizon is 30 hours away. This Schelling Point can thousands of KM away or Millions or Hundreds, it all works out as the GM working back from the Schelling point and detailing it. the GM explains the problem and the options based on initial rolls. You can say or make Initiative, not an Initiative Roll but an Information Roll – Who has the better Awareness and Grasp of the Situations to SETS THE PACE. Who acts and will react.
The SCALE of time is interesting. It begins with the largest Unit, where everyone takes a turn, then scales down. The GM can set it at 1 man day, everyone gets a Manday turn. Then he proceeds to resolve what has happened in that Manday – sometimes the PCs Live or Die in what happens in that Manday and may not feel it until the schelling point.
The GM asks them their Actions – what Posture/Preparation or Actions they will take – and then asks them to roll. The Adversary adapts or implements their plan. NO PLAN survives initial contact.
The GM resolves the consequences of the actions, failures, success, and successes of the adversary. He can simplify BUILDING into the PC’s difficulty roll or making a Contested Roll. He shows and doesnt tell. He resolves everyone’s concerns on a time budget and then proceeds to summarize the total effect with drama and tension (meaning he raises more uncertainties; take the players question and answer it by referencing what remains to be known or is this enough).
Now 6 hours remain, and the GM asks them their actions for those 6 hours. The Players/Crew then adjust and adapt to the situation. They plan their actions for these 6 hours. The GM repeats the same process and updates the crew the consequences and results of their actions, building the tension with Key Questions. Were you fast enough to escape, can you maneuver, who survived, who is crippled, etc…
Reviewing relative Velocity and realize I’ll simplify Angular Relative Velocity by checking if they are Perpendicular or Parallel vs Same or Opposite directions.
Dog fights is the Space Combat we know – but this reminds me of the Tension filled Week of a BID or a Project – where we perform a lot of long actions to get to a Schelling point which determines if we make or lose money.
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