Luzon ECQ update of List of Information Sources

Here is the list I can scrounge Up
Chat’s Tracker

  1. Office of the President: Audience Everyone 
    1. Other Issuances (reports to the congressional committee regarding special powers given)
  2. Department of Trade and Industry: Audience businesses 
    1. Advisories
  4. Philippine Food and Drug Association
    1. FDA circulars

Second, my Major Challenges
  1. Its running Data and they are all related. The question is how they are related. 
    1. Why do I have to link the data. Lets say the President or the IATF-EID (Inter Agency Task Force for Emerging Infection Disease) says something and it should result in ACTIONS by other departments we see measure ACTION based on REASON. We see what triggers what. 
    2. If we don’t know what triggers what, what happens? well we don’t know what they prioritize and how they allocate scarce resources of their Skeletal staff
    3. As every Initiative or Mention is to become an Action, so do we measure every Action against its Output or Result. We need to measure the Action against the Result. An action without an output to measure again. 
  2. Visually (in my mind) I see it as an Organizational breakdown Chart. President > IATF >and Departments. Then Local Gov’t Units are the specific Case to Case basis. These are the many sub-units that are affected by these National Departments. 
    1.  Each one has a Large Box summarizing 3 key priority items and hyperlinks to a Doc that summarizes everything but keeps Track of everything. The Doc is linked to a Folder. Every Item in the doc has a Footnote to an update. There is a MASTER list of Initiative or Orders. 
    2. What I want to prevent is SCOPE creep, adding more and more Actions to a skeletal force because the Public is the Public – its made up of people who may say stuff without complete information and awareness of the scarcity. 
    3. I want to prevent Waste, initiatives that can be better framed or planned. Actions that have more Outputs against its Costs. An example would be Paper Collection of Information vs Electronic Documentation with standardized information collection. The amount of effort this saves is grossly more helpful than initiatives that use paper surveys. The same goes for Single Point of Truth systems. The same goes for Quality at the source and Risk Management. One of the best Examples is Calling before you go there – a 2 minute call saves you a 40+ min trip. 

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