One thing PMBOK can learn from ISO 9001 is that to demonstrate capability iso Audits for a System in place. PMBOK asks you to spend more hours than you can afford as a 3rd World Project Manager to fulfill their requirements (and not the requirements of your Business). Its easier to be an ISO 9001 Organization – naming the scope of the Quality Management system as Project Management than to have any Individual be a PMBOK PMP.
PMP requires first world salaries and time in its altar of worship to be able to maintain its accreditation.
Like the way I love-hate GURPS, Pmbok is a great framework that attempts to standardize concepts and define the ambiguous. It’s not the only one, there are other Proj Mgt bodies – and it has flaws. Particularly its TITHE of manpower is HIGH for a Developing World PM.
The value of the skill is relative to its Market – if PMing as a Skill can increase a Company’s Productivity better than the Alternative (alternatives analysis) then rationally a company will pay for that if it’s relative to other options. To ask for Developed World Salaries (where a PM is 50,000php** per month is 13,000USD/year*; 15 years of experience) is crazy and should never be implied or lead enough to believe such (in PMI’s report of 2019 we are a bit better than Egypt’s 10k a year for our Career PMs but if you compare our trained PMs its really at 5-6k USD a year).
So PMBOK certification is not feasible if your PM is 20-25k (5,850USD a year) with 2-3 years of experience. What is sustainable is having Project Management part of your Quality Management System and having a Defined Project Management and Quality Management System.
In the end Companies will accept a bit of Uncertainty and RISK. the Philippines being Poor and Developing accept many risks, one of the ANti-AGILE mindsets is OVER-Inflating RISK. Whenever someone explains risk management its always with a lot of exaggeration. its never in the context of the audience – everyone sees risks differently and coming from a Traditional Fiipino Company my language of discussing Risks and Managing it is VERY different from what a developed world person’s.
I make as much as Call Center Employee in the US. Getting PMP certified’s opportunity cost is too much for me let alone my company. The best we need is
- BASICS like a Proj Management Plan and all subsidiary plans and training in how to use this Plan.
- Prioritizing how to “branch” from the Proj Mgt Plan and creating subsidiary plans as we go.
- How to build Proj Docs and the basic skills for basic Proj Docs.
- Basic Tools and Techniques.
- How to Build our Organizational Process Assets.
- How to reconcile PMBOK best practices with the REALITY of Developing Worlds Conditions (this is the Enterprise Environmental Factors).
*(50k x 13 /50 )
**Market rate – note that we have a lot of Potential PMs (oversupply) and a lot of companies training people to be PM-ish every year. PMing is not a silver bullet career-wise.
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