Pandemic > Recession > Bankruptcy and Bail Out > people who are outside the system – and exempted from the scarcity – having a strong influence in the system and those subject to the scarcity.
My Position is Unethical and has the wrong incentives (Game Theory) to allow Subsidized or Bailed-Out Companys to use Buy Back.
As a 3rd World Country aka Developing World Company – It fascinating to see the systems of a Developed world company Gaming the System. Exploiting loopholes that can be Ad-hoc by the GM or the Regulators. Its also interesting to see undue influence on Regulators in play. Especially when we have World Leaders who are requiring less ambiguity of the definition of decency and ethics and stricter definitions. *
As to how it relates to the Philippines – a wholistic solution – that espoused by Deming, Shewart, Goldratt and in my own experience is a holistic approach. While I can Target some departments and some systems for change and correction, my methodology needs to be consistent when I move system to system.
Large companies in the States influence the Market, and the Market Influences the Philippines. The way US firms are influenced by Chinese companies getting seriously subsidized in their Supply Chain costs.
Of course being a Filipino, in a Developing World Economy, under more volatile conditions. I may be this voice that may be gone and irrelevant (that is to say I maybe irrelevant already).
Right now the push to “Sacrifice Others” for the “Sake of the Market” is led by Corporations with undue influence in regulation and policy.
In my Reflection, its not by “Rich Person Problems” is when executives don’t get their Golden Parachute. Their bonuses for the country club, yacht, sports car, mistress, etc… I do realize ascetisism is a one size fits all approach, not wanting much – the way most gamers are happy with books and dice, and a rich world of imagination, its not for everyone. But the its weird when High Consumption Individuals -who are a minority in the spectrum influence Everyone’s life. Gamers are a minority in a spectrum but they’re focus on information – does not diminish other people. Material consumption, to the point that it TAKES from others and when its only the “minority” who have only certain rules afforded to them is where high consumption of materials becomes something that stops being a Personal Decision – since it affects other people. One’s privileges and rights limits begin with its effect on others.
*I’m aware the ambiguity existed in an age where the shades of gray allowed good people to do the right thing, as well as doubt of what the right thing – to be able to choose no action.
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