Sometimes I see it as a Generational Problem. the Methods and the difference of Generations. The new Gen mayors and LGU heads, as compared to how their Parents or an Older Gen of politician would have handled everything.
I remember when I failed in something my parents were sure to Fail. I remember the times, the looks and the problems. I look at how things are now in the Company. Like the systems I wanted is now possible because the internet was now 15k (300usd) a month when it was 70k (1400usd), that we had an infusion of Computers with 4GB ram upgradable to 8GB, I was allowed to keep some IT people (when the COO needs a sacrifice to my mom) and some help came from our Eastwood team. And what was impossible on my own with no resources was becoming more possible.
I remember people being deathly afraid of Ubuntu or anything outside windows XP. I remember when these things we take for granted were inconquerable fears and after PMBOK and having documented the lessons learned these were unknown elements and now one who knows how to be honest about their uncertainty and systematically check.
I love my parents but there is something they forget about when they were starting out. I journaled so much of everything and its painful to look at those memories and see what was foolish and what was something I just didn’t know at the time.
When I see the gov’t officials and they are roughly the generations of my parents and because of dads intense networking with such people been exposed to them – I can imagine the frustration of having to Explain Virtualization to my Parents and why I want them to give me 50-100% more compute resources for something I’ve only experienced in Virtualbox but know we’ll need when we have to honor the SLA we copied from ISO 20,001 Organizations who have 3-4x the manpower that we have.
I remember Failing and everyone knowing I will fail. I remember never regretting it because I had to try it myself because I was surrounded by sellers trying to get me to buy their product. I remember the people like Ryan and Mike Cineza who delivered what they promised and taught me there was another way. (Ryan Baclit taught us a lot of Linux Basics, and Mike Cineza taught us how to deploy Vici Dialer).
And despite all that Failure, I could never talk to my parents about it. that they were right that it wouldn’t work, but not for the reasons they thought. that we were wired so differently I have to accept maybe we will never understand each other.
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