During the COVID19 Luzon Wide Lockdown or Enhanced Community Quarantine. I’m working at home, and will be doing a lot of Deep Dives which scare me. I don’t like going into look deep work without confirming my assumptions with end-users and the rest of the stakeholders. Deep distort my perspective and I emerge changed and typically need to recalibrate.
Unable to Directly Observe Operations and Problems
80% of my work is GEMBA (direct observation and auditing of work and conditions) since I work 3 sites: Plant, Tech Center, and Main Office. With the quarantine, I get to catch up with all the work I want to do, but I’m afraid to do – creating the Organizational Process Assets (Project Charters, Project Management Plans and all Subsidiary Plans).
I’ve deferred it because it has to work on a Pull-basis. That there must first arise a Need for it. Even if a process is rough and prone to rework, it has to go through a priority – the ones that create Reported Non-Conformity first. Because those processes have political convenience for correction.
There are a lot of processes I wish I could automate – even with cheap options like GSUITES publisher but as my prototyping has revealed: alone I can go only so far. When I prototyped the solution, there was a lot of support (workarounds and training) needed for these systems before they mature. I would need the entire IT team to help, which I can’t access because they are allocated to the current status quo).
When I do GEMBA, I can get precisely the needs of end-users, and employ tiny workarounds. Working without feedback from end-users can create a lot of wasted effort and its harder to find small wins.
Risk Management – Includes Diplomatic Framing of the Problem
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