The Challenges of Kinder Voice

One of my take aways with mindfulness is that fear is a more powerful motivator or influencer of behavior. Next is the dopamine seeking behavior. I zone out when I’m in a dopamine craving mood and emerge with no sense of the passage of time. That the way mindfulness works for some is making a kinder voice influence behavior. The voice that says – “back to focusing on the task at hand”, “that problem is not as bad as it looks”, “where is that fear/anger/envy/desire etc… is coming from”. A voice of a mentor and loved one who says kind things but I mostly ignore. 

I think its really hard to listen to that voice because fear and suffering and pleasure seeking behavior is more powerful.  But the power does not stand up to the same voice asking questions – like Why? Power that cannot survive deconstruction of that same kind voice. 

The voice for me needs to take the persona of a loved one – especially the good defining moments. Its the voice of my uncle telling me to be careful, to get the documentation and to double check everything. Its the voice of my grandfather tutoring me and explaining science concepts. One of my mentors reminding me always to have a witness, to always define precisely what the goal, objective, and action is going to be. 

When the kind voice takes on that persona – there is more power to the voice to influence behavior. Also giving that Voice the opportunity to Dismantle the Fears, Desires, and Problems. 

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