Taking from Others, a bad Organizational Habit.

Last the Nov, the Graphic Designer quit because he was mistreated. They made him do office janitorial and waiting jobs along with his photography, graphic design, and Sales. I was a graphic designer from training and knew quite well how badly my background was treated in offices.

 Because we had the opening for the past four months for graphic design (he moved to sales, but couldn’t let go of his duties; I encouraged it so he would stop getting treated like shit, and he excelled very fast and was promising), the management wanted IT to do it. I don’t get it we just saved 700 USD a month just yesterday (a project that took about 5 months), we saved 2400 a month last Nov.

We are very active and have a Ticketing System Now and are doing the ERP, and they want to take my Person in Charge of GSUITES migration to do Project Photography. GSUITEs which would allow us to have the Entire Company March at the Pace of the Project Managers GANTTS.

 GSUITES where all the Manpower is Assigned, All the Project Information is not in VIBER or a Chat. Discussions are done ON THE DATA and its context. (delete long segway of the Company has no Project Management Literacy or System understanding).
I could escalate to my mom why do we do these things, but what’s the point? Why do executives SUBVERT other department’s resources? Like when IT is the one Collecting Biometrics instead of PMing the Daily Time Record Systems (timekeeping system). Some departments see other departments as less than them.
Guerrilla tactics of Change Management. I have to let go of the anger and disgust of bad practices and focus on my finite social capital and how I can best use my assets. My team and rank-and-file feel disgusted and resentment in the treatment, but I can’t just spend my limited social capital in what makes them feel bad unless I can maneuver it to some Goal.

Segway of Project Managers. 
Our Project Managers dont understand that 40 projects at any Given Time and that Makati, Mandaluyong, and The PLANT are finite bottleneck resources. That their demands in the JOB order, made in Ignorance of what other COMPETING 40 projects they had to factor.

Slowly with Guerrilla Tactics, we got One Department to have a Cut-off Time. It doesn’t mean the request will not be served, its that the DEFINITION of WRONG and we will point out the Over Time and Additional Costs these Requests that Don’t make the Cut-off Time will Incur (Resource Requests which we call Action Requests). Now 4 More Departments (Requests for Manpower, Purchasing Requests, Warehousing, and Shipping) will have Cut-off Times because they really are Aligned with this Department.

A project is SUPPOSED to have a SCHEDULE, this Schedule is not a UNILATERAL or one way. I impose a date on another person. it’s supposed to be Bilateral or two way where We negotiate based on SCHEDULE and DATA (BOM and Logistics). Again 40 projects vs 3 Resource Depots competing at anyone time. You weed out the Potential Problems by going with who has a PLAN/SCHEDULE.

Currently Reviewing the Work Instruction for Project Sheet. I have to state the obvious because its not obvious to Non-System Literates.

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