Some Project Management Regrets  The make or buy analysis should factor Purchase Request Process Time. When he said, “We need to do things really quickly.” I immediately remembered aspects of our process time. 
I’m in a hurry to start our Daily Time Record/Time Keeping Module IT project for HR. Still, I need to get authorization (2-3 days) for the works and additional materials: biometric installation works for 4 doors both in and out, access control biometrics (the kind that activates electronic locks), which was a different kind of biometrics than that was purely timekeeping. I wasn’t able to foresee because I was multi-tasking and didn’t sit down to think seriously about the project with anyone to review my plan, basically making me the most experienced in the company for IT projects because there was no one to refer to). Note that my authorization of anything has a factor that not every department has a Work Que. 
After Authorization Purchasing requests have a 2-3 day un-official process time, then 1-2 weeks for the supplier to execute and typically deliver the product – and boom a project that was targeted this Monday to start has to be moved to MARCH realistically.  What happens in our company is that these kinds of mistakes are hidden. Because no one reviews the Project Managers Plan. We actually don’t finish in the 60 days without sacrificing so many other projects because of Improvisation. Each Process Center/Work Group doesn’t have QUE to finish. They all have to work off Nagging/Email Follow up/Who screams the loudest.  
Again we look at our Budget of Social Capital. We see everything that’s wrong, but know that it takes 2-4 weeks of constant follow-up, about 2 hours a week per matter where we sit down with someone – calm, collected, patiently, and listen to their problems before IMPOSING anything and ordering them. They have no SYSTEM that is designed to working with other systems; these are all Personal Systems. Asking people to Alter their Personal Systems for Company or team systems are not typical. 
I really want to change the way we do things. Have someone doing crowd control with AoE spells, Tanking to grind projects down, Support to keep a Critical Chain effect, and Flanking to Finish them. 

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