I only got a few hours to study and work.
- Cleaned up HSK 1-4 definitions. It was difficult because it didnt look cleaned up when I started studying those words.
- First Problem: Does not save. I would have a word, like Konger, and then i’d have a long description which I had to simplify. When I loaded it back into my Ankidroid the changes were not effective. I had to get this https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/786971082 786971082 add on and I can’t tell if it works. I can’t tell if Anki Saves the Changes I make on the Desktop Version since I checked that its not my imagination that it does not save.
- Broke my Pinyin Keyboard. It started because the characters were not PRC simplified characters but had a mix of traditional characters. I tried to fix the settings. Konger 空 vs 空 (i don’t know if it will show. I cut and paste it and it still looks like the Traditional Version of the script. So It seems I can’t get it to work for now. I’ll reset it tonight and get it back to ibus from fctx (If I can remember how I did that)
- Added a Ton of Words I wasn’t supposed to. I only study 2 new words a day at the most. Right now I’ve put it on hold because I realize I FORGOT a ton of words and concepts. So to my surprise, I accidentally added a hundred of HSK05 Words (there are about 2500 words).
I’m guessing its because I made a HSK02-EXAM vocabulary list and used Vlookup (and IFERROR) to check if these Words were in HSK5 (the hsk I’m not reviewing). There were a lot. I don’t know why but there were about 1300 words that found their way to have the HSK02-Exam when I’m sure it was less then 30 I manually put there.
The good news is that there was an Options Called “Reschedule > Reset Progress” in ANKIDROID which allows me to say – NOPE. I dont know that card and I’m not ready to study that. - What I’m going to do.
- I’m going to study them Along Side. I will try to review a ton of HSK5 words for words I’ve encountered. This means using the Scheduler to Schedule them within the week and using the “Reschedule > Reset Progress” to push them to the back.
- I separated by HSK02-EXAM deck. This is a deck made out of the Sample HSK02 exam I found online. This is the exam that made me realize how underprepared I am. Mixing it with my general HSK deck did something to it. I didn’t have any for review today which was weird.
- I will start to Convert the HSK02 Exam AUDIO exercise using Audacity and put it into my ANKI deck. This will take Thursday and Friday. The goal is I master all the words in that script.
- I’ll be working tomorrow despite its my leave. HR told me I can file this against my leave.
- My priority is Mastering all the NPCR vocabulary, after the HSK02-Exam vocabulary. NPCR are the books they use in Confucian Academy so I guess its relevant to the exam.
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