- Tomorrow, 191210, I will be using ANKI as my daily driver.
- Problem: Cannot Uninstall Anki 2.0 – I forgot how I installed it. I didn’t write it down.
- I just have to tolerate there being to Anki in my Desktop.
- Problem: Implementing My Schedule from PLECO to ANKI.
- I couldn’t find the Score. I tried Exporting Anki to look for my score from the Deck I made in October and no such data exists.
- No way to do this. I can use Scheduler – Browse > Cards > Reschedule. Set to Review the Cards (that have not been reviewed, they have no Que because they have been “freshly” imported).
- Final Action: I will just use the Scheduler
- Problem: Duplicates: There were Duplicates from My Attempt of Making an HSK deck in ANKI on October, and the HSK deck I made out of Pleco with Improved Tags.
- from Jay – For Key Challenge #3.2, just move the imported notes from their original deck to a destination deck. As for de-duplication based on the Simplified Character field, you can search from the browser for a particular field’s contents by naming that field when searching. E.g., “Simplified Character:蔵”. See the manual for details. This will work across different Note Types only if the note types use exactly the same field name. You can edit the note type to ensure that, or use logical operators to specify multiple field names in the search query. // Got it, Thanks!
- Final Action: I undid a lot of the Imports and reImported my HSK01 Deck. There is an option that allows you to Overwrite cards. This works because I consolidated my note types for Chinese. My note type is called ZH-ZHT-拼音-en-191206 (the date I implemented the new change). So I deleted the Duplicate Cards.
- https://apps.ankiweb.net/docs/manual.html#duplicates-and-updating
- for me – Do not export to CARDS, export to Notes
- The Add Ons I’m using:
- AwesomeTTS for Anki 2.1, updated 427598962
- Shows up twice in my set up, even if I isntalled it once. Uninstalled it because I dont plan to use it yet.
- 191014 Convert Subdecks to Tag Hierarchy 1172858842 (Havent used it yet)
- 170830 ANKI Search and Replace Tags 138501288
- > Browse
- Select a Tag I want to Replace
- Select all the Items Under that tag
- Click Tags in the Browse Toolbar > replace Toolbar
- To clean up the unused tags Close Browse > Go to Tools > Check Database (the app will optimize the database).
- Trying to Figure out Chinese Support Redux v0.11.5 1128979221 I dont know how to use this. I could not get it to work.
- Hanzi, Meaning, Reading, Sound
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiGUrrxptpg&feature=youtu.be its not the same flow the Video.
- I can’t type Hanzi into the fields. They do not autopopulate. Submitted a report.
- Why the carrying over the Pleco Score was important to me.
- I have 610 100-day cards.
- Mature in Anki is 21 days till next review, i have 1049 cards that are mature.
- What matters? The SRS is what matters. Spacing the Review is what Matters. Preventing Leeches/confusion is what matters.
- Jay’s Advice
- Switch to Anki 2.1 if you haven’t already done so. /done
- Check for useful add-ons. For Key Challenge #3.1, use hierarchical tags and search-and-replace for tags. and a context menu editor to search for a selection from a card. You will probably have to hand-edit the plug-in for custom URL search strings, but that isn’t hard. // Will schedule and Look.
- I don’t know of an easy way to import your card history from Pleco.// same here dead end for me.
- I don’t understand what you mean in Key Challenge #2. // used the browse > card > scheduler
- For Key Challenge #4, how much time do you have to review? It is easy to add a lot of newly studied cards, but later days will have a fraction of all those cards so added in the past. This quickly accumulates to large review counts per day. I use three root-level decks with different deck options and schedules to reflect different priorities and desired ease of recall. I use filtered decks tucked underneath these root-level decks to reflect particular study fields. I have an additional root-level deck only used to contain imported decks. These get moved to a root-level deck or deleted after I examine them. I have two profiles. One for study, and another for testing and development. // trying to scale by my Study time from 3-4 hours a Day (8am to 12) to 2-3. I tend to go to the office after lunch.
- https://tryingtogamework.blogspot.com/2019/12/results-of-my-first-day-of-leave-and.html
- Browser tried to eat the comment.
- If you’re a beginner – Pleco. It makes it so much easier. the 3,000php or 70usd was worth it. The START is hard, its a lot of Work Upfront. When I started getting the hang of 3-4 hours a day of Study then it got relatively smaller.
- If you’re up to 300 mature words, the transition to ANKI.
- An important, but not the most important, thing in SRS is metrics and the feedback loop of knowing the system is capturing your problems and performance.
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The Wide array of Data ANKI gives as compared to PLECO allows you to Pick your battles and WIN and more quickly develop that virtuous cycle. |
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