Agency and Leadership. When I think of Agency – I realize, why do I need a Leader? When I have an awesome team, we don’t have a leader, we may take the role of the different Powers (Expert, Authority, Information… powers). But none of us are really the “Leader”.
Overgeneralizing here.
Leadership skill is an illusion. People are not really “influenced” by leadership skill. They are influenced by Influence Skills. People prefer to be Emotionally manipulated, Reasoned with, Bribed, Seduced, deluded, bargained, appear to have power, appear to be listened to, that someone set an example, etc… to do something.
The reason why Various People have different requirements for leaders because they all want to be moved from their unique position. Its Influence and Not leadership, because the energy does not come from them but from an external force. That in most cases they have no Agency in where they should be going.
There is Agency or there is None. If I ignore the Leadership bullshit, I’m stuck with Influence and Moving the parts to Alignment. There is no inspiration, just self-interest. Self-interest is not a dirty word, its why we want the best for our kids and loved ones.
When people complain of “Lack of Leadership”, I hear Lack of Agency. You dont need a leader to make your life better – of course, its much easier if you do, and even people with worse circumstances can take risks for a better life.
Having no Agency is a fact of life. Its like poverty, but you have scarcity of the singular emotion that makes you want to have a better life. And that emotion costs energy, attention, and positive feedback (like small wins).
Not all men’s circumstances are equal. Everyone’s circumstance is unique, but that comes with the circumstance that some people are easy to move with different tools – bribery, seduction, persuasion, delusion, camaraderie, etc… Imagining everyone has unique circumstances makes us look for Arbitrage . The ability to find that Leverage to move a group, by applying force in a particular way.
Like slowing down an organization by targetting its bottleneck. Or speeding it up by managing its bottlenecks. Or creating a bottleneck in a difficult to manage an area of an organization. What makes us Unique – makes a group of different individuals have built-in faults and weaknesses (as well as strengths and synergies).
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